Gig Economy News: Strengthening Your Business & Yourself

This week’s weekly roundup is all about helping you strengthen and secure your business and yourself in the process. After all, what is a business without a motivated and happy entrepreneur behind the scenes? Keeping your future secure is just as important as keeping your business secure. So check out this week’s review of essential entrepreneur news:

Keep an Eye on the Future

Think that being a freelancer now means sacrificing a comfortable retirement? That couldn’t be farther from the truth! Check out this Fiverr blog article on how freelancers too can plan for retirement. By learning about your options and getting started on the process now, you’ll secure a more comfortable future for yourself and your family and you can keep living the Gig Economy Lifestyle.

Keep your Secrets

It may sound paranoid, after all, you’re just a small business who would be interested in hacking you? However, leaving yourself vulnerable to hackers is or to security breaches is simply playing with fire. All it takes is one incident and your data and customers’ private information could be in the wrong hands. Don’t make the mistake of waiting until it’s too late, check out these 5 tools for encrypting your files, from Makeuseof.

Take AdWords on the Go

Good news for those of you who use AdWords but don’t want to be chained to a computer! The Next Web brings us the announcement that Google is officially releasing the AdWords app globally. Originally only released in Canada, this handy tool will now help people manage their ad campaigns in real time without having to stay at home.

When is it Time for a Facelift?

When you take the leap and start really building your brand, it’s easy to get attached to the look and feel that you’re used to. However, it can be a very strategic move to update your logo and tweak your visual style. Here’s a helpful post from the blog on how to know when it’s time for a new logo.

What do you plan to do to make yourself or your business stronger in the near future? Tell us in the comments!  

The post Gig Economy News: Strengthening Your Business & Yourself appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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