Gig Economy News: No Excuses

We all have days where we make excuses for not getting everything done, for not achieving every task for the day, for waking up a little bit later or not going to bed early enough. Excuses are not the end of the world, as long as you don’t make too many of them! One excuse that doesn’t fly with us though, is saying “I didn’t know.” In today’s digital landscape, all the information you need is available, it’s just a matter of deciding to find it! That’s why this week’s Gig Economy News tackles some of the most popular excuses we’ve heard, to knock them out of your way.

Need-to-Know Basis

Whether you’re new to the Gig Economy or an old pro, it’s surprisingly easy to miss out on some of the most basic things that every freelancer should know. Now, we’re making it easy to get the basic framework of knowledge that you need, with our top 10 list of things every freelancer simply needs to know! No more excuses, give it a read and see how much you learn.

If I only…

One of the excuses we hear the most is that an entrepreneur’s routine (or lack of routine) is simply getting in their way! If they only woke up earlier or later, or if they only exercised or ate in the right way, they would be so much more productive! If this sounds familiar to you, it’s time to get tough on yourself and ask these hard-hitting questions from Fast Company before you blame your routine for holding you back.  

Consistency is Key

It’s easy to try to start a good habit only to have it quickly fall through the cracks. A lot of entrepreneurs fall into this trap with blogging, promising themselves they’ll keep a regular blogging schedule only to see it start to gather cobwebs. Well, we’re busting up any excuses for inconsistent posting with our latest tips on how to set and keep blogging goals.

Location, Location, Location

Another very real difficulty, but a surmountable one, is being located in an area without a lot of access to the things that make entrepreneurship a little easier. Whether you find yourself longing to be near classes, a workspace, or even just a nice café, it’s true that some locations are really challenging. At the same time, there are increasingly creative solutions to meet people wherever they are, like this virtual accelerator for women-run businesses. Whatever it is you feel you’re lacking nearby, take to the web and see if you can find a creative solution, or start your own!

What is your biggest personal obstacle to success and how will you overcome it? Tell us in the comments!

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