Gig Economy News: Money, Honey

Money makes the world go ‘round, but nobody likes to talk about it! Entrepreneurs need to be able to think wisely about money. How to earn it and how to spend it are equally as important. Discussing money isn’t rude—in fact, talking cents is essential to growth. This week’s Gig Economy News is all about how to earn (and save) more so that entrepreneurship can get you where you want to be.  

Check the Price Tag

The simplest way to get more Gigs and earn more money is to make sure that you’re pricing yourself fairly. Undercharging and even overcharging can be roadblocks to getting more orders and taking a serious and honest look at your prices is the first step to growing your revenue. Here’s our guide to evaluating whether your prices are on point or if they may need some adjustment.

Get the Best Deal

Negotiating can be awkward, whether you’re working with a supplier or a buyer, but good negotiation is the foundation of any successful business. It’s time to get over your discomfort and master the art of negotiation so that you can increase your income and get a better deal for yourself and your business. In this article, Forbes takes a look at one expert’s insights into negotiating for success.


You may have heard about or even checked out our new Pro services, but if you haven’t seriously considered applying to become a Pro seller – or if you aren’t using Pro services for your business then you’re seriously missing out. Pro Gigs are a great way to make more money doing what you already do best – so take a look at one seller’s experience and see if it might be a good fit for you.

Hack into Growth

Sometimes the key to growing your revenue is super simple: get more customers! But growing your customer base may seem like a mystifying process. That’s where growth hacking comes in. If you haven’t heard about growth hacking, let alone tried it out yourself, now’s the time to learn about it. Check out this Mashable article on growth hacking and see how it can help you earn more money quickly and simply.

Which business practices will you change to earn more money? Tell us in the comments!

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