Gig Economy News: Just Do It

You may have noticed our recent makeover on the Fiverr blog. Whatever your dreams are, whatever your skills, and whatever your needs, we want to make it easier than ever to simply do it! With the resources of Fiverr, there’s no reason not to take the leap and dive into pursuing your goals. In the spirit of having access to everything you need to get anything done, here are a few articles from around the web to inspire you to just do it.

How A Father and Pilot Became an Author

Sean Maday had an idea for a children’s book.  He also had a busy life being a husband, father, air force reservist, and a career – but he always came back his idea. Some people let logistics get in their way, but not Sean. He knew that in order to turn his idea into a real book, he would need a little help to fill in the gaps. Through Fiverr he found everything from an illustrator to editors, and today his book is selling like hotcakes on Amazon. Take a look at how Sean used Fiverr to achieve his dream and see how you can outsource your obstacles in order to overcome them.

But Don’t Do Too Much!

Getting started is the hardest part, but starting too many things can do more harm than good! If you’re guilty of multitasking your way out of being productive, then this article is for you. Read up on Forbes about why multitasking can actually be a productivity killer and how focusing on one thing at a time may, surprisingly, be the best way to get things done.

Let Your Words Guide You

They say that sometimes you need to fake it ‘til you make it. If you’re having trouble getting motivated to get things done, maybe try sprucing up your seller page by peppering it with action-oriented words. Who knows, you might inspire yourself to be more proactive and get more things done just by describing yourself with new words! Check out this list of action words from Fast Company to get started.

Give Fellow Sellers a Leg Up

As a community of doers, we are better when we lift each other up and help each other grow. Many of our sellers buy services on Fiverr to boost their business, but neglect to leave a review. Positive reviews can go a long way in building a business, so the next time you buy from another Fiverr seller, keep in mind these reasons to make sure that you leave a review.

What will you DO this week? Tell us in the comments!

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