Gig Economy News: How to Build Momentum

It’s finally mid-March which means that we’re starting to feel a bit more of a spring in our step! If you’re ready for a change of season, take the opportunity to build up some momentum in your entrepreneurship! Spring is all about cleaning house and getting a fresh start, whether it’s small changes that reverberate in big ways or taking the leap into something big and new. On that note, here’s the weekly roundup of articles and blog posts to give you some inspiration for your endeavors.

Learn From a Success Story

We’re always thrilled when one of our sellers reaches the Top Rated Seller level and this week’s Super Seller is quite an inspiring tale. Check out a great success story with important lessons on how to adjust your Gigs for the highest returns as well as how to market them. You’ll see just how much small tweaks can make a big difference.

Become Your Own Business Card

Speaking of small tweaks that can make a big difference, Inc has an interesting article about the importance of how you introduce yourself and your business. Do you speak about your business in a way that captures the listener’s ear and makes everyone you introduce yourself to a potential customer? If not, then this article has some insights that might just change how you speak to new people in the future.


It might feel important that all of your employees and partners meet and discuss business issues in person, but a new MIT study shows that this might not actually be the case. Geektime brings us an article about the startling discovery that face-to-face meetings may not be any more effective than online meetings. While there may be other benefits to meeting in person, knowing that online collaboration is just as effective means opens up unlimited possibilities for working with people around the world.

What Are You Waiting For?

If you’re reading all of these business tips and filing them away for that “one day” when you finally get started on your entrepreneurial adventure, then this is the post for you. Read all about 5 Easy Ways to Get Started and see why sometimes diving in is both easier, and more important, than arranging all of your ducks in a row.

What’s your small change that made a big difference for your attitude or your business? Tell us in the comments! 

The post Gig Economy News: How to Build Momentum appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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