Gig Economy News: Giving Back Can Help Get Your Business Going

As entrepreneurs and freelancers, we know we have to invest in our businesses in order to be successful and achieve our income goals. We invest time—often tons of it—and we usually have to invest some cash in order to upgrade equipment and purchase supplies. But some less obvious investments can also help us succeed. They may, however, require a change of perspective. This week’s Gig Economy shows how sometimes it’s better to give than receive.

Giving to customers

Successful sellers on Fiverr always report how important repeat buyers are. Delivering a quality product on time for a good price is certainly the best way to get good reviews and encourage repeat business, but you can also think about how to turn these loyal customers into your unofficial sales team. Here are some tips for nurturing your relationship with your customers.

Giving to your community

Giving back to your community feels great. You may want to help those who are less fortunate than you, or perhaps you think it’s important to improve the environment or make your community safer. But social responsibility can also be good for your business. This article suggests ways that social giving can help you attract more customers.

Giving to colleagues

Talk for a while with highly successful entrepreneurs and you’re almost certain to hear stories about how they benefited from a mentor so now they invest their time mentoring others. But even if you’ve never had a mentor, if you’re running a successful business and think you have knowledge that can benefit others, consider becoming a mentor. If you do, here’s a great article on how to approach mentoring. What’s in it for you? Mentoring helps you develop a community of knowledge and contact sharing that can be sustained for years. And guess who those you mentor will think of when they need projects done or get asked for a recommendation!

Giving to employees

As you begin to take on employees, especially if you’re very busy, it’s easy to get into the mindset that you’re paying them so they should do what they’re told and put up with whatever you dish out, including bad moods, criticism, and unreasonable expectations. But that’s not how to retain a talented, productive and loyal team. Here are a couple of articles on how to treat employees and what today’s younger workers expect from their employers.

Has “giving back” helped you grow your business? Let us know how in a comment!

The post Gig Economy News: Giving Back Can Help Get Your Business Going appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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