Gig Economy News: Don’t Worry, Be Scrappy

Being an entrepreneur and a freelancer has benefits and perks that no other job can offer. But it also has challenges that are unique to working off the beaten path. At Fiverr, we try to anticipate and address the aspects of entrepreneurship that aren’t always well-known. On that note, this week’s Gig Economy News is all about bringing some of those issues to light, letting you know we can relate, and helping you find solutions and strategies to overcome them.

Stay Strong

One of the biggest challenges of being an independent entrepreneur, especially when you’re first launching your business, is that sometimes working for yourself means that you don’t always get the positive feedback and encouragement that you can get in a traditional office setting. Preparing to be your own biggest cheerleader and staying resilient through the tough times are the secrets to success that often aren’t discussed enough. Check out this article from the Guardian with some tried and true tips on just this subject.

Outsource Intelligently

It may sound funny, but hiring freelancers can actually be an entrepreneur’s best bet in accomplishing the various tasks required to build a business. Make sure that you’re setting yourself up for a successful experience by reading our 9 most avoidable mistakes when hiring a freelancer. Freelancers can be a great tool as you run your one-man show, so use our advice to make sure you get what you’re hoping for.

A Bit of This and That

We can never get enough of advice from entrepreneurs who have found success and are willing to share their hard-earned insights, and that’s just what this Financial Times article is. If you need some insider info on the challenges, and solutions, these successful entrepreneurs have discovered, then this article is a must-read. Even better, all of the entrepreneurs come from different backgrounds and have pursued different paths so there’s something for everyone to learn.

The Taxman Cometh

For our American entrepreneurs, we’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is, this article can save you a lot of time, money, and headaches. The bad news is, your tax season isn’t over yet even if you thought it ended in April. Talk about unique challenges for freelancers, take a look at why you may need to pay taxes again this month.

What are some unique challenges you’ve faced that you’d like to read advice on? Tell us in the comments!

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