Gig Economy News: Business Hacks You Need Now

Time is money, and when you’re an entrepreneur both resources are precious! We’re fans of the idea of life hacks – tricks that make life a little easier, and we’re even bigger fans of business hacks! So to help you save time, money, and make your life easier as you grow your business (no easy task), this week’s Gig Economy News is all about the little business hacks that can make a big difference.

Get Someone Else to Do It

Don’t have the time, energy, or even skills to do something your business needs? Why not get someone else to do it? Believe it or not, paying someone else to do something right the first time can save you money. You won’t waste time fixing things and when things are done right, your business is more likely to grow. Ready to get some outside help? Check out our post on the best tasks to outsource.

Office Space for Everyone

Finding it hard to stay focused and driven when you work at home? Get distracted by your TV? Getting lonely? Need people to consult with and bounce ideas off of? There are a lot of advantages to being able to work from home, but there are just as many disadvantages to always working from home. Check out this Fox News Small Business article about co-working spaces and see why it might be time to get out of the house.

Make Something Memorable

You work hard on your business, the last thing you want is for people to forget about you! Coming up with a tagline that will stick in people’s minds can be challenging and time consuming, all for something that should be only a few words long! We’ll save you some time (which is money!) and help your business get the attention it deserves with these tips for writing a catchy tagline.

It’s the Little Words That Count

Think that using common words can’t hurt your business? Think again. Many of the most common words can actually make you look unprofessional if you use them the wrong way. Inc’s list of words to avoid and words to use instead to sound smart and insightful instead of hyperbolic and uninformed.

What’s the best business hack you’ve started using? Tell us in the comments!

The post Gig Economy News: Business Hacks You Need Now appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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