Gig Economy News: Business Hacks, Tips and Tricks

At Fiverr, we’re all about making your life easier, your business growth faster, and supporting your entrepreneurship decision. To that end, this week’s Gig Economy News is all about business hacks, tips and tricks, and insider insights that will help you in your venture and will help your business no matter what stage you are at.

Location is Everything

In the digital age, it’s easy to forget the importance of real-life marketing. Putting up posters and flyers may seem really retro, but depending on your business it might actually be the best way to reach your target audience. The question is always where to put your flyers for the best ROI. Spending a little time choosing strategic locations can save you from wasting energy and can lead to bigger profits. Check out our guide on how to pick the best locations no matter what your audience might be.

No Matter the Distance

If you’re part of the Gig Economy, then chances are you either work remotely or work with people who are working remotely. Maintaining efficiency, communication, and focus for yourself and your workers at sometimes great distances can pose a challenge. However, technology is here to help! This Inc piece has the low down on some of the best apps to use if you’re working from home.

Boost Your Blog

The blog is sometimes undervalued by entrepreneurs who can get caught up in their product, website, or any one of a million other things. Having a quality blog though is actually an essential piece of building a successful business. It improves your SEO potential, engages your audience, and establishes you as an authority. If you’re not sure where to begin or having trouble sustaining your blog, then this article is for you. It’s all about the blog posts you need to know so that you can start implementing them right away.

Say “Thank You”

In honor of Thanksgiving this week, here’s a piece that is an important reminder for business people at all levels. Remembering to be grateful and expressing your gratitude to others can actually be a very important skill in the business world. It can foster good will towards you and your company from employees, customers, and peers. So take a look at this Forbes article on how being grateful is an essential part of being a good leader.

What’s the best tip you’ve been given in the course of your entrepreneurship journey? Tell us in the comments!

The post Gig Economy News: Business Hacks, Tips and Tricks appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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