Gig Economy News: Brand Camp

We always talk about the importance of marketing, but unless you’re strategic about your branding too, then your marketing strategies will end up seeming disjointed at best and unprofessional at worst. Your brand isn’t just a buzzword—it’s the comprehensive identity for your business so that zeroes in who your target market is and attract them effectively. For some of the best branding advice from around the web, this week’s Gig Economy News is essential reading.

Why Bother Branding?

Let’s start with the basics – a lot of entrepreneurs wonder why they should bother going through the process of branding. After all, establishing a brand identity is a big deal, and requires a long-term commitment to a fundamental style. However, this commitment can actually help guide you in growing your business for a variety of reasons according to Forbes. Branding doesn’t narrow your options, it opens doors!

Secrets to Branding Success

You’re interested in beginning the branding of your business, but where do you start and how do you know if you’re even going the right direction? We spoke to a branding and graphic design expert on exactly that topic in order to bring you best insights for your efforts. Take a look at what designer Tiago Narciso has to say about building the best brand possible and why it’s worth investing in.

Beyond Visuals

It may seem like branding is mainly about graphics, and it is true that graphics play a big part in expressing a brand identity. However, branding goes far beyond graphics when it’s done right. If you have found that your branding efforts until now have been mostly confined to visual design, then this article about how to incorporate content creation into your branding is a must-read.

Be Iconic

Having addressed the importance of elements aside from visuals, let’s get back to basics. Visual brand identity goes much farther than your first logo, in fact if done right, visual branding should affect every aspect of your business’ operations. One item that often gets ignored but is of vital importance is the humble but ubiquitous icon. Take a look at our chat with an icon artist and learn about how you can make your icon stand out.

What are your branding goals for 2018? Tell us in the comments!

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