Gig Economy News: Better, Faster, Stronger

You’ve probably heard the expression, “work smarter, not harder,” but if you’re anything like most people, you find it hard to put such clichés into action without some practical advice! So how can you turn these words of gold into golden rules? This week’s Gig Economy News has got you covered with tips from around the web about how to optimize your time and your business practices so that you can get more while doing less.

Show Me the Money

You probably got into entrepreneurship with dreams of making the big bucks, but lots of entrepreneurs find themselves bleeding money, especially in the early stages. The good news is that there’s no reason for this to be happening.  With a little strategy and a little effort, you can make money without it disappearing before you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Learn how in our latest blog post.

Start Your Day on the Right Foot

Mornings aren’t just for coffee and newspapers, they set the tone and the pace for the rest of your day. Having your morning routine in tip-top shape is one thing that most successful entrepreneurs agree is invaluable for success. Learn how to whip your morning routine into shape and watch your business follow suit with these tips from Fast Company.

Be Socially Smarter

One of the biggest mistakes we see entrepreneurs making is spending more time, more money, and more effort on their social media presence. This is a classic example of working harder instead of smarter! Luckily, we’ve got the inside scoop on how to be smarter about your social media marketing by utilizing influencers and their networks.

Toss Time Wasters

Working smarter isn’t just about what you do, it’s also about what you don’t do. People who use their time effectively are good at cutting out time wasters and productivity killers. Not sure what’s holding you back? This post from Mashable is a great place to get started on identifying and eliminating your personal obstacles to productivity.  

What’s your advice for working smarter? Tell us in the comments!

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