Gig Economy News: Beat the Back-to-School Blues

August is a time of transition as “back to school” ads and fashions begin to appear, temperatures begin to cool, and we start to get ready for the season to change to autumn. For many doers, this is the season when they start to evaluate their place in life and begin to think about how to reach their biggest ambitions. Entering entrepreneurship is a big decision, and it can be full of ups and downs, but it can also be one of the most fulfilling career moves you’ll make. This week’s Gig economy news features articles from around the web focusing on what entrepreneurship means today.

Examining Entrepreneurship

People like to talk about entrepreneurship in vague terms, but what’s really going on out there, on the ground, for those who are driving the culture of entrepreneurship forward? We decided to start digging around and uncover the information for ourselves. Take a look at our brand new Entrepreneurship in America Report which has info and insights that are intriguing and enlightening no matter where in the world you may be.

Take Your Company’s Pulse

If you’ve already taken the leap to entrepreneurship a while ago and you’ve got a company up and running, it may be a scary idea to get feedback from your employees on where you can improve but it’s also essential to keeping your business healthy and growing. In this article, Forbes takes a look at how to examine your company’s culture and what to do with the feedback you receive.

Stay Focused

For a lot of people, August may be a time of looking forward but it can also be a time of lethargy. After all, it may feel like everyone is on vacation – whether that means that customers and vendors are quieter than usual or if it means it seems like others are getting to enjoy the beach while you’re stuck at the office – that August feeling can definitely be a productivity killer. To help out, here is a roundup of tips from entrepreneurs on how to stay productive no matter what the time of year.

Define Your Style

Whether you’re just about to launch or you’re ready to take your business to the next level, this is also a great time to reflect on how your personality and your leadership style can hold you back or push you forward. In this article, Fast Company examines the different types of leadership styles you can try on and how to choose the one that’s right for you. While consistency is important, it’s also important to know when you need to make a change.

How will you move your business forward this month? Tell us in the comments!  

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