Gig Economy News

Halloween has come and gone which means the holiday season is closing in fast. This is a time of cheer, celebration and a time to prepare your business for the upcoming seasonal fest.

Here are a few links from around the web to help you jump-start your thought process on taking those next steps to prepare your business for the holiday.

Educate Yourself

We talk a lot here about learning from others who have come before you. One of the best ways to enrich your knowledge of the do’s, don’ts and common mistakes of entrepreneurship is to build up your library of relevant books. Inc offers us this list of 11 Great Business Books to help you get immersed in the process of building your business.

Maximize Your Launch Reach

You’ve fine-tuned your product, QA’d your site, and you are ready to launch your business to the public. This is a huge step, and a successful launch can be a major springboard for success. You may already know that a broad exposure can only help, but what are the best channels for various kinds of impact? A contributor at Geektime offers an in depth breakdown of a few major channels and exactly how they contributed to a successful launch.

Increase Your Reviews, Increase Your Business

As almost any Fiverr seller can tell you, good reviews can offer a huge boon to your business. For entrepreneurs entering the market, it can feel impossible to make a name for yourself when simply nobody knows who you are. One of the best ways to increase buyer confidence and subsequent sales is by acquiring glowing reviews. Bloomberg Businessweek offers some practical tips on how to get reviews, including:

  • Directly ask customers to leave a review
  • Post a request for reviews on paperwork that a customer receives, such as receipts, along with your website URL
  • Offer customers who write you a review a discount or special offer
  • Don’t be afraid to follow up if you’re still not getting enough reviews

Don’t Let Refunds Get You Down

When a customer asks for a refund on the product you’ve worked so hard on, it’s easy to take it personally and get defensive. However, it’s essential to remember that this is just a part of every business’ experience. Even though it’s unpleasant for you, it is also an opportunity to build your business’ customer service reputation, which can actually improve your sales in the long run. Fox Small Business news offers these tips on how to use your refund policy to boost your business’ success.

Have you started preparing your business for this holiday season?

The post Gig Economy News appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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