Gig Economy: Keeping Up With New Developments

An entrepreneur has to keep moving forward, but that’s not restricted to their business’ growth. Personally, professionally, in every aspect, it’s essential to acquire new skills, stay on top of emerging developments, and be aware of the technological advances happening daily. It can be a lot to do sometimes, but in this week’s Gig Economy we’ll try to scratch the surface of a few ways that you can stay up-to-date and on top of your game.

Be Vigilant

Cybersecurity is a growing concern among businesses small and large alike. Even if you’re a company of one, cybersecurity should be one of your top priorities. Many people let themselves be lulled into a false sense of security each day they pass unaffected, but this is a dangerous approach. Check out this Bloomberg piece on the top cybersecurity myths that small businesses still believe and make sure you’re not leaving yourself vulnerable.

Use Your Skill to Make a Difference

Calling all graphic designers! If you or someone you know is an amazing graphic designer, then you must check out this contest! Fiverr is proud to partner with AdAge and Code Interactive to support the important cause of bringing technology and computer education to inner city students. If have a great idea for a subway ad to bring awareness to this cause, your designs could be seen by millions of people! Check out this post to learn more.

It’s a New SEO World Out There

With new updates rolling out regularly, SEO is probably one of the most rapidly evolving fields out there. If you’re using any SEO methods to promote your business, you have to stay on top of things or your rankings could truly take a hit. This article from Inc is a good introduction to how to stay up to date with SEO developments.

Retirement Brings Opportunities

You might see a lot of photos of young folks when you look at articles and websites targeted towards entrepreneurs, but don’t take that to mean the Gig economy is only for the under 30 crowd! In fact, many aspects of the Gig economy are perfectly suited for retirees. From flexible hours to an ability to try on new professional hats, check out this Fiverr post on how retirees are taking advantage of these opportunities.

What do you do to keep growing professionally and personally in your business? Tell us in the comments! 

The post Gig Economy: Keeping Up With New Developments appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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