Get Your Marketing Done Using Social Media

It’s imperative to make sure you market your business, but still stay within your budget at all times. Social media is the perfect vehicle to achieve this. These days, everyone uses social media, from CEOs to celebrities to politicians. Marketers are obviously a natural fit on social media.

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Competition on social media can be fierce, with 52% of all marketers having found a customer through Facebook, 53% of all people on Twitter actually recommending products in their tweets, and 48% of B2Bs already using YouTube. This is why it’s extremely important to stand out when using social media.

To learn about the power of social media, see a few examples below:

Dollar Shave Club

Dollar shave Club

One of the most memorable examples of a company using social media to rack up viral hits is the Dollar Shave Club. The company produced the irreverent and sarcastic “Our Blades Are F***king Great” YouTube ad, and it went viral shortly thereafter with nearly 5 million views in three months. The best part about this exposure is that it translated into substantial conversions. In the first 48 hours after this ad was posted on YouTube, the Dollar Shave Club saw 12,000 additional signups for its service.

Grey Poupon


To acquire targeted customers who really loved their brand, Grey Poupon launched a Facebook app in 2012 and only allowed an exclusive group of people to “Like” their brand page after careful consideration. They did this by selecting fans who have “good enough taste” using their Facebook information. It sounds a bit elitist but it was done on purpose to ensure that Grey Poupon acquired fans who really wanted to be a part of this select company. It worked, generating over 20,000 highly targeted new fans and a slew of positive PR buzz.


Oreo took the Super Bowl by storm in 2013, when they tweeted this timely message after power went out at Superdome in New Orleans:

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The tweet was re-tweeted over 15K, making it one of the most timely tweets in brand history. It also became a lesson learned for marketers on inserting themselves into existing social conversations, i.e. the Super Bowl. It gave Oreo a tremendous social boost, with many suggesting it had a higher impact than the Super Bowl commercial that aired during the big game.

Oreo’s Blackout Tweet is great example of how a business can insert themselves into a conversation on social media. But it doesn’t require a major tweet or status update to get the customers you want. Any brand can do this in a genuine fashion by interacting with fans and followers every day, when customers discuss relevant brand topics.


It goes without saying that social media shares are absolutely critical to the success of any business, celebrity or artist. This means that they’re also critical to the success of your business! Fiverr’s marketplace connects you with a huge number of social media marketing opportunities. Get on Fiverr, and find the social media marketing Gig your business needs.

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