Fiverr’s Improved Inbox Makes it Easier to Get Stuff Done

We are happy to announce that your Fiverr® inbox has been revamped. We’ve added some new features that’ll make it easier for you to manage and organize your mail.

Now you can:

Choose from a number of new functionalities such as delete and label. Organize your messages with labels. Color code and and add new labels as needed to meet your needs.

New Inbox tools & labels

Add your own ToDos directly from messages, to keep track of your tasks. You can add up to 42 characters in your Todo description.

Add your own ToDo lists


With these new tools you won’t have to waste time sifting through all your mails to find that one message you need. From now on, it’ll be much easier!

Try out your new inbox tools and let us know what you think in the comments below.

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