Following a great week at SXSW and still awe-struck from the incredible turnout we had at Quantum Collective’s Southwest Invasion. Aside from drawing over 20,000 amount of fans, seeing over 28 bands, Whole Food’s Whole Planet Foundation raised money to alleviate poverty worldwide through Entrepreneurship.
But the most exciting part for us, was seeing the work of a Fiverr community member on display as the event’s official event poster. We were so proud!
But how’d we get our Fiverr designer’s creation to SXSW? A few weeks before the event, we reached out to some of the Fiverr communities’ Top Rated designers, and offered them the chance to create Southwest Invasion’s Official poster. The winner would have their design screenprinted and sold at the event, proceeds going toward the Whole Planet Foundation.
We received over 135 amazing submissions and were completely floored by the creativity and uniqueness of the members of our community. We whittled the submissions down to the 10 finalists you see below.
Awesome, right? So now you know how tough it was to pick a winner. But ultimately, we could only choose one winner to represent Southwest Invasion…drumroll please…
Congratulations to Richard Crypt and your winning design!
Thanks to SXSW, Whole Foods, Southwest Invasion, all the amazing designers, and you, our community, who do incredible work every day!
The post Fiverr Invades SXSW and the Southwest Invasion appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.