Financial Planner Becomes Freelance Travel Writer On the Move

Freelancing is the ultimate freedom when it comes to making a living. You don’t have a boss, you don’t (really) have any co-workers, and you don’t even need a physical office space to report to and from which to work. Today, more and more professionals are making the move to becoming freelancers, quitting their office jobs in the search for greener pastures.

Just ask Nora Dunn. She was already quite a ways ahead of the curve when she shut down and sold her financial planning business in 2006. The sale of her business was meant to be the source of her funding for continuously traveling the world. She’s made good on that ambition ever since.

Though Dunn had taken vacations to exotic places while working the 9 to 5 grind when she ran her financial planning business, that just wasn’t enough. Her dream was always to travel the globe extensively, so she decided that packing up and selling shop was the way to make that a reality.

Because the sale of her financial planning business was profitable, it funded her first two years of full-time globetrotting. Of course, her income stream wasn’t infinite, which meant that Dunn had to come up with a smart way to keep financing her deep love of constant travel. Naturally, she set her sights on freelancing, particularly freelance writing.

Dunn was probably luckier than others who try to break into the freelance writing industry because she already had a lifelong passion for writing. That made it easy to transition into a full-time career as a freelance writer—even when traveling full-time. She realized that all that she needed was a reliable Internet connection and her laptop (her love of writing was already innate) to make money from anywhere in the world. That’s the true beauty of making your freelance career work for you.

When Dunn wasn’t actively journeying and moving, she resolved to start a career as a freelance writer…specializing in travel, of course. That included forging a career in blogging, which, at the start of her regular travels, was just in its infancy. As Dunn puts it, blogging was barely a recognized field when she began; it was more like a “grassy knoll that nobody knew about.”

Since monetizing blogs was unheard of, too, at that time, Dunn had the creative idea of pitching guest posts to various publications. The topic? Travel finance advice and various travel-related tricks she learned while being on the road.

The result of Dunn’s freelance, entrepreneurial spirit was her blog called, understandably enough, The Professional Hobo. Several years down the road, it’s now grown to being a pretty popular destination for other people suffering from wanderlust. As it turned out, she was able to put her finance background to good use by creating a successful business that combined her financial knowledge with her experiences of constant travel.

Besides satisfying her lifelong dream of traveling in order to reach happiness, Dunn’s successful freelance career has also given her great insight that others contemplating the same lifestyle may not pick up on. Readers may be surprised to hear that it’s actually cost her less to be a full-time traveler always on the road than it did for her to live in one city full-time.

Dunn also reflects that she was able to still find happiness even in the first few, lean years of freelance writing, when she had not yet built out her business to its present-day prominence. Having low overhead costs when trying to start a freelance writing career certainly helps in that respect, for sure.

The post Financial Planner Becomes Freelance Travel Writer On the Move appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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