
Tips to keep small businesses up and running during a move

(BPT) – Small businesses relocate for many reasons. Business may be booming and you need a bigger facility to keep up. Perhaps you added staff and everyone’s tired of being elbow-to-elbow in your current office. Whatever the reason for your small business move, some simple steps can make the process as easy and cost-effective as possible.

“Just as individuals and families tend to move more when the weather warms, spring and summer are great times for a small business to move,” says Anita Campbell, founder, CEO and publisher of Small Business Trends. “In fact, May is National Moving Month! However, small businesses may worry about moving costs and challenges getting in the way of their day-to-day operations, but moving doesn’t have to mean putting your business on hold.”

Campbell offers some advice for small businesses about to relocate:

* Create a plan to help minimize the inevitable disruption of moving. “Meet with key team members and make lists – lots of lists,” Campbell says. “Outline what has to be organized, coordinated and physically moved. Consider everything.” Your plan should include a timeline and schedule for your move. Detail every aspect and when it should happen, and make sure everyone on the team is aware of the timeline.

* If you’re a one- or two-person show, you may be able to accomplish your move on your own, doing all your own packing and renting a moving truck. However, for multi-person offices, it may be best to leave moving to the pros. When getting quotes, be sure to have the moving company come to your site and review your operation to ensure the quote is as accurate as possible. Shop multiple companies that specialize in moving small businesses, read their online reviews and be sure to check their insurance coverage.

* Even if you’re having your business professionally moved, some items you’ll want to transport on your own. Campbell recommends stocking up on moving necessities like packing tape, boxes, paper and bubble roll at Staples. Remember different items will require different sizes and styles of boxes. For example, fragile or heavy items will require reinforced boxes, while bankers boxes are ideal for file folders.

* Plan where everything will go in your new location before you get there. Don’t wait until your operation is on-site; begin organizing right away.

* Stay productive by scheduling your move during off hours or days. Put critical documents and data on a cloud service so you can access it while computers are in transit. Let everyone know when and where you’ll be moving by using Staples Print and Marketing services to print and send out announcement cards to clients and customers prior to the move.

* “Moving is an opportunity to declutter, saving time and money because the less you have to move the lower the costs of moving,” Campbell says. “Moving also is an opportunity to innovate or upgrade. You might decide to replace old, uncomfortable office chairs. It may turn out to be cheaper to buy new desks and have them delivered than to move the old ones that have seen better days.”

* Once you’re set up in your new location, let everyone know where you’ve landed. Update your online profiles, including your company’s Facebook page, your personal LinkedIn account, your company blog and website, and all your social media accounts. Use Staples’ Print and Marketing Services to update all your marketing materials like letterhead, brochures, signage and change of address cards.

“Moving doesn’t have to interrupt your small business operations,” Campbell says. “With some planning and help from resources like Staples, you can make your small business move easy and smooth.”

Visit www.staples.com to find products and services for small businesses.


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Why Logo Designer Joebrise Says, “Fiverr Is Like Magic”

Joe, Joebrise on Fiverr, is an artist who lives in Tarragona, a coastal town close to Barcelona, Spain. He manages a shared workspace that includes other entrepreneurs, including illustrators, photographers, translators, and developers. During his free periods, he works on … Read More

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6 Podcasts Every Busy Freelancer Should Listen To

Caroline Beaton is an award-winning writer, millennial expert and brand consultant tackling the psychology of millennials at work.

If you’re busy like me and the rest of the world, right now you’re thinking,

“I don’t even have time for … Read More

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10 ways to be more active during the work day

(BPT) – We’re sitting too much and it’s dangerous. The average American spends more than seven hours sitting every day, and the more time you sit, the higher your risk of serious, potentially life-threatening health problems such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. So, what can you do about it?

Fortunately, there are simple changes you can make during the day — anywhere, even at the work place — to improve your wellness and reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. As part of the American Diabetes Association’s(R) Wellness Lives Here(SM) initiative, the Association encourages everyone to get active for National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day(SM) with these 10 tips for the workplace and beyond.

Park a few blocks away from the office each morning and walk to work.

This allows you to start off your mornings energized and ready to take on the workday. If you take public transportation, get off one stop earlier to squeeze in some light exercise before 8 a.m. 

Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

Waiting for the elevator often takes just as long as walking up the stairs, so why not use this opportunity to get your heart rate up? Plus, you’ll get the chance to work your leg muscles. 

Get up and move around the office once every 90 minutes.

When you’re nose-deep in work, it’s easy to lose track of time. Set up reminders on your phone or email every 60-90 minutes to get up and do a quick lap around the office. You can use this time to fill up your water bottle, go to the bathroom or catch up with coworkers. 

Ask questions and discuss issues face-to-face.

Rather than sending an email every time you have a question, go to your coworker’s office to discuss the issue face-to-face. This gives you a good excuse to get moving and a chance to more effectively hash out solutions in person. 

Use your lunch break to move around outside.

So many Americans today work through their lunch break. When possible, take advantage of this time to walk outside and soak in the nice weather. Fresh air and vitamin D are often all you need to stay focused and push through the afternoon slump. 

Stand up and stretch.

If you don’t have time to walk around the office every 90 minutes, use the opportunity to stand up and stretch instead. Stretching is a great way to increase energy levels, reduce muscle tension and get your body moving. 

Pace around the office during conference calls.

Conference calls are the perfect time to be active. Put clients and coworkers on speaker, or use your mobile phone during meetings to move around without any trouble. 

Do chair exercises at your desk.

You’ve been wanting to tone your arms for the summer — why not achieve your goals at the office? When you need a break, do a few reps of chair sits. You can even alternate between chair exercises and push ups!

Hold standing or walking meetings.

Many coworkers will welcome the opportunity to stand and stretch their legs for a moment. If you have a two-person meeting, consider going for a walk. 

Fidget when you work.

Small movements and quick exercise breaks add up, especially in a sedentary work place, so challenge yourself to stand, stretch or even tap a foot to bring motion into otherwise still parts of your day. Just remember to keep it professional!

Making a point to move throughout the day puts you on the right track toward wellness. For more ideas on how to increase physical activity and maintain a healthy lifestyle, download the Association’s e-tool kit today to incorporate the principles and activities of National Get Fit Don’t Sit Day into the workday and beyond. 


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Super Seller Leannapareja Created a Production Company with Fiverr


Leanna, Leannapareja on Fiverr, is an actress, spokesperson and model who has appeared in national commercials for companies such as Lexus, Purina Dog Food, Extra Gum, LensCrafters,Lactancia Milk and more. She’s also … Read More

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5 innovations in homebuilding everyone is talking about

(BPT) – In the last 10 years, televisions have become flatter, video rental stores have nearly disappeared and phones have become devices that are more like a computer than a phone.

There’s good reason that when most people think about changes in technology, they tend to think about the digital world. After all, with the news full of reports of driverless cars, it’s easy to forget that some of the most important technological advancements are happening around us in ways we may not be aware of — namely — in our homes.

From drywall to windows to insulation, home building materials have developed in a way that might seem like something from a science fiction movie. But as more homeowners are getting accustomed to living with these comforts, they wonder how they ever did without them. Here are five of the most exciting innovations.

Sound-dampening drywall – Everyone wants to go home to some peace and quiet, but in a busy household with televisions, video games and music playing out of surround-sound systems, it can be hard to find quiet. Some look to noise canceling headphones or sound-muffling curtains, but engineers at CertainTeed Gypsum have discovered that something as simple as the right drywall can do wonders in canceling out noise. Their SilentFX(R) QuickCut noise-reducing drywall puts a blanket over sound energy and significantly blocks the amount of sound carried through walls and ceilings.

A new lease on lumber – Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is a material made by gluing together smaller pieces of timber to create large slabs that serve as an alternative to steel and concrete. As strong as steel, and in many ways even more fireproof, CLT allows for contractors to put up incredibly durable buildings incredibly fast. With computer-aided design programs, architects can design a building and send the exact specifications to robotic routers that cut the exact dimensions for each piece so that the entire building can be assembled like a big piece of furniture.

Quartz, an engineering miracle – While granite countertops and marble bathtubs may be at the top of everyone’s list, the cost can be prohibitive. Quartz, which is a name for stone that has been engineered by grinding quartz with resins, polymers and coloring, has emerged as a substitute that outperforms granite and marble, for a fraction of a price. Extremely durable and virtually maintenance free, modern engineered quartz comes in a variety of colors and patterns that mimic the erratic design prized in natural stone.

Air-quality control – People spend a lot of time and money ensuring their home has good air flow. However, most people aren’t aware of the role the right drywall can play in ensuring clean, breathable air. Common household products such as carpet, perfume, hairspray, candles, flooring and more actually give off formaldehyde that affects the quality of the air. As part of the new “smart” generation of drywall, AirRenew(R) with M2Tech(R) technology is a drywall that is not only moisture and mold resistant, but actively removes formaldehyde from the air and converts it into safe inert compounds, contributing to a healthier home environment.

Bio concrete – Though it’s the world’s most common building material, concrete ages quickly. Changes in temperature, the shifting of the earth, weather and chemicals all contribute to the inevitable cracks and deterioration. Several years ago, scientists in the Netherlands developed a kind of concrete that can repair itself by integrating limestone-creating bacteria that “heal” cracks. This process is similar to the way bones heal themselves when broken. The result for home builders is stronger foundations, less seasonal repair and more overall value.

While people may not line up outside a store to get these materials the way they do with the newest phone release, these technologies will have positive effects on people’s daily lives. So if you’re curious about what innovative drywall solutions are available today, visit CertainTeed.com/Silent-FX and CertainTeed.com/CleanTheAir.

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Kill the 9-to-5 by turning your hobby into a thriving business

(BPT) – A beloved hobby can feel like a mini vacation from everyday life. Whether it’s gardening for relaxation, photography as a creative outlet or computer coding to exercise the brain, hobbies serve as an escape from stress and boredom.

What if rather than a hobby being your escape, it was what you did for a career?

“When you do what you love, it doesn’t feel like work. However, people are intimidated by the idea of transitioning a hobby into this type of dream,” says Jim Salmon, vice president of business services at Navy Federal Credit Union. “Becoming a successful entrepreneur doesn’t have to be difficult with the right drive and passion.”

Navy Federal Business Services has helped thousands of people turn their dreams of owning a small business into reality by providing expert guidance and financial support through Business Services products. Here are some of Salmon’s expert tips based on best practices he’s observed through his close relationship with entrepreneurial clients:

1. Take your time.
Becoming a successful entrepreneur doesn’t mean you have to drop everything and devote all your time to starting a business. In fact, research shows the opposite: People who keep their day jobs while starting companies are a third less likely to fail than those who abandon their full time jobs. Instead, they’re tinkering, researching and cautiously testing things out to see if their idea is a viable business venture and if there is a market for their product or service.

2. Set a timeline.
Is there a season where it would make sense to test out your business venture? Or perhaps there’s a transitional time in your life where you’ll be looking to open a new chapter. For example, transitioning your hobby into a viable business venture a great option for active duty military personnel and veterans because they naturally begin to think about what their second career will be after retiring or leaving the Armed Forces.

3. Decide on time commitment.
Decide how much time you are willing to dedicate to your new venture in the beginning. Being an entrepreneur means being your own boss which affords you unprecedented flexibility, but the effort you put in directly effects what you get out. Keep in mind, entrepreneurship isn’t just for full-time professionals. Turning a hobby into a career is a great option for military and stay-at-home parents who require flexibility in regards to working hours and location, but they may have more open time to dedicate to the transition.

4. Create a business plan.
Transitioning a hobby into a profession is a lot of fun, but it’s also serious business if you want to be successful. That means creating a business plan that includes goals and plans for attaining them. This will serve as the foundation for how you strategize and build a successful business today. Plus, when it comes time to finance your budding business, a solid business plan will give you a leg up and direction for the future.

5. Find financial backing.
Depending on what type of business you want to pursue, you may need some additional funding beyond what you can afford. Establishing a relationship with a financial institution like Navy Federal Credit Union will help you learn more about small business loans and lending products that will help your small business grow. Bring your passion and your business plan — potential investors and financial institutions alike will want to see both before they make a decision.

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