Fiverr is excited to announce an update for the Buyers and Sellers of creative services in our community. Now, in select categories, Getty stock images are available as Gig Extras. These affordable, premium images enhance our already-robust offering of creative services, and have distinct benefits to both Buyers and Sellers.
By purchasing a stock image Extra, Buyers can now enjoy:
Premium creative services with Fiverr’s unbeatable value
Access to millions of exclusive Getty images
By adding stock Image Extras to their Gigs, Fiverr Sellers will receive:
Free access to Getty’s massive library of exclusive content without a subscription
Increased efficiency by saving time searching for images
A new revenue stream: 25% of the price of each stock image purchased for your Gigs
How does it work?
Sellers can add Getty Stock image extras to new and existing Gigs. In select categories, the feature is automatically enabled. If you’d like to disable the Extra, just remove the checkbox next to the Stock Image Extra.
When creating a new Gig, Sellers can add the Getty stock image Extra in the Extras section. Sellers should then update their Buyer requirements to prompt Buyers to provide details about the kind of stock image they want.
Buyers can purchase the Getty stock image Extra for $10.00 per image. After selecting this Extra, the Buyer can provide details in the Buyer requirements regarding the desired look and feel of the stock image to guide the Seller’s image selection. The Seller will then browse the gallery to look for appropriate image(s) to use in the Gig.
Finally, the seller adds the image to the Gig and delivers the Gig for the Buyer’s review and approval.
More Details:
All Getty stock images are available in the maximum size and resolution. The amount of Getty images a Seller can offer depends on the Seller’s level:
Unleveled: 5 images
Level 1: 10 images
Level 2: 15 images
TRS: 20 images
There is no limit to the number of images a Buyer can purchase. If a Buyer dislikes the stock image selection, the Buyer can cancel the order and will receive a refund.
Tips & Tricks for a Seamless Stock Transaction
Here are a few tips for Buyers and Sellers to work together to have a great experience using Getty stock images:
Communicate clearly. In fact, aim to over-communicate what exactly you’re looking for in the stock image since it is the seller who will ultimately make the selection.
Trust your Seller to make the right choice. The same creative mind who is designing your Gig will have awesome insights into the best stock image complement for the Gig.
Update your Buyer Requirements to specify that you’ll need Buyer input to select a stock image. Include an itemized list of all the information you need so that the Buyer understands what is required
Choose carefully! Select images will satisfy the Buyer’s needs, and look great on your particular Gig – that’s the sweet spot you’re looking for!
We’re excited about Stock and hope you are, too. Questions? Feedback? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
The post Announcing Getty Stock Image Extras! appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.