Announcing FiverrRed: Our Interplanetary Journey Starts Today

SpaceX’s recent news got us thinking about what Fiverr’s contribution to our world’s greatest challenges should be. After all, the rise of the on-demand, sharing, collaborative and crowd-sourced movement has elevated quality of life on this planet more in the last five years than any other societal shift has in the last fifty. But while the “on-sharelaborative economy” has become the cure for every dry-cleaning or fair trade coffee delivery ill, mankind’s greatest challenge goes unsolved; finding a new planetary home. The urgency and need could not be greater to accomplish humanity’s most challenging Gig® yet.

Fiverr has always been a community of doers. Talented, creative individuals capable of solving nearly every business need with speed, precision and expertise. With the power of our community by our side, Fiverr is announcing the launch of FiverrRed–our initiative to not only deliver mankind to Mars by 2017, but to lay the foundation for an interplanetary on-sharelaborative economy. From the engineering know-how to take us there to designing the high-yield martian seed germinations to feed us, FiverrRed will solve this generation’s biggest and most pressing problem to ensure a new world for future generations.

Mars Fiverr Logo

Why Fiverr and Why Now?

With the exciting breakthrough coming out of Florida, the time to act is now. Climate studies paint a bleak picture, and it’s one that few are acknowledging on the soon-to-be scorched terrain we currently call home. While ninety-seven percent of researchers believe global warming is happening, just 33 percent of Americans consider the problem a serious one. Our massive community of graphic designers, astrophysicists and martian botanists recognize that this mission–a mission for our future–needs a singular driving force that rises above the din of public and private interests to fuel collaboration across video editing, voice overs and jet propulsion diagnostics and fuel analysis. As the old adage goes, this will “take a village,” and Fiverr is a village of people. Some might even call us the Village People.

Prior to this announcement, we spoke with a number of experts to determine the size, scope and challenge ahead. The feedback, while anonymous, was overwhelming:

“People will rally behind your community to get this done. Bottom line, it’s Super Bowl or bust in 2017!”

“I’m not convinced Darth Vader’s dead either. Of course I wore a costume to the premier.”

“No, Mr. Musk isn’t in right now, and frankly I don’t think he’d take this call anyway.”

The feedback is clear. FiverrRed is the unifying force that can bring groups together under one common umbrella to accomplish far more in one year collaboratively than any single organization has done thus far.

A Red Hot Job Market on a Freezing and Totally Bereft of Life Planet

FiverrRed is more than just aiding our journey to Mars. It’s about employment opportunities for space-going pioneers once they arrive safely. It’s something we’re calling a “redfield” market. If death and taxes are the two constants here on Earth, consider guaranteed demand for freelance services to be the constant on Mars.

Our analysis on the projected martian work culture paints an interesting and promising picture. Some quick numbers:

  • A staggering 95 percent of those willing to travel to Mars leaving behind their loved ones and the only world they’ve ever known also eschew more traditional forms of employment.
  • 87 percent have stated that they are looking for different and new employment opportunities and are willing to risk asphyxiation and the deafening silence of space where absolutely no one will hear their last screams to find those opportunities.
  • A remarkable 72 percent have read the book The Martian and see themselves embodying the problem solving spirit that allowed Mark Watney to not only survive and thrive on Mars, but to create a booming potato farming monopoly on the planet.

Many of the early martian pioneers (e.g. botanists, physicists, geologists, etc.) will have a laser focus on mission-critical objectives, but will they deliver the flare required to generate sales lift?

Sure, everyone will be clamoring for water; but what’s going to set your hydrazine-reduction plant apart? Search engine optimization and signage; that’s what.

Terraforming may be a crucial science needed to regulate the hostile environment of Mars, but driving repeat business? That’s an art.

It’s Fiverr’s sellers that will create everything from slick infographics to soothing S.O.S recording transmissions in the case of failed airlocks that toss intrepid explorers into space’s black and unforgiving abyss.

The Hard Work Has Just Begun

We know that 2016 will be a year of tireless work by the FiverrRed community, but the stakes are too high to fail. Heavy community onboarding and partnership development across space and time will be required to deliver on our promise of a martian future, but FiverrRed is up to the task. One martian year is 687 Earth days, and in the spirit of FiverrRed’s destination, we’ll be using martian time in all communications moving forward.

Let’s remember: this isn’t NASA’s problem or Elon Musk’s. This is our problem. Our on-sharelaborative problem, and FiverrRed will be there to help bring us from this planet to the next.

The post Announcing FiverrRed: Our Interplanetary Journey Starts Today appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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