Fiverr, Wise Bread and the Gig Economy Lifestyle

The recession might be (mostly) behind us, but people are still concerned with being hypervigilant with their finances and creating economic stability that will help them for years, if not decades, to come.

It’s because of this that Fiverr® partnered with the personal finance blog Wise Bread for a Tweetchat about why so many people are turning to the Gig Economy as a way to make more money, pay off debt, and save for retirement.

By definition, the Gig Economy is all about using your skills, passion, or talent to make some extra money. Sometimes people take gigs to supplement income from another job, while others have figured out a way to use the Gig Economy as a means to support themselves entirely.

That being said, people’s individual experiences often inform their own personal definition of the Gig Economy. During our Tweetchat, we asked people to share what the Gig Economy means to them.

While some people couldn’t quite define it, others knew exactly what it was. And those who didn’t know what it was were eager to learn more about it.

In fact one chat participant, Donna Freedman, happened to write about the Gig Economy for major publications, and mentioned Fiverr as an entry point.

 We followed up this question with another one asking if any of our participants were currently living the Gig Economy lifestyle. Some were already riding high on the experience. Others predicted that the Gig Economy was poised to change the way we think about work and making money.

At Fiverr, we believe the Gig Economy is all about what you make it. Maybe the Gig Economy is a way for you to turn your passion—jewelry making, graphic design, singing—into your sole means of income. Or perhaps you have a full time job that makes your happy and just want to make some extra money to set aside for retirement, to pay off debt, or put into a savings account or college fund for your child.

Your parents probably didn’t have to live the Gig Economy lifestyle to make any extra income, and there’s a good reason for that: the rising price of higher education has parents scrambling for ways to pay for the kids’ educations, and longer lifespans and skepticism about the lasting power of Social Security have made making extra money for and even during retirement top-of-mind for many.

In some ways, the Gig Economy lifestyle is simply the new American lifestyle. It’s about making ends meet and using passion and an entrepreneurial spirit to make money and find happiness.

Over the next few days, we’ll talk more about Fiverr’s chat with Wise Bread and how the Gig Economy just might change the way we work and live.

The post Fiverr, Wise Bread and the Gig Economy Lifestyle appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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