5 Reasons Why Americans Privately Share Their Photos

(BPT) - Remember when we used to share everything on social media? We'd let our friends know where we were with a quick check in, accidentally post that awkward photo of our friend making a face, and casually ask for recommendations on how our outfit looked. But now, we are seeking ways to share what matters most to us with only the people who matter most to us - with our inner circle.

A recent study commissioned by Western Digital®, conducted by Wakefield Research*, found the average American has 557 friends or followers on social media. Across the social media platforms they use, only 28 percent of these followers on average belong to their inner circle. And because it can be difficult to share personal photos with just our inner circle on social media, many of us (about 58 percent) have resorted to sharing photos via text message.

According to Dr. Clay Routledge, professor and psychological scientist, "Close relationships are key to psychological health. The more people feel strongly connected to friends and family, the more meaningful they feel their lives are. Being able to easily connect with those we care most about through shared memories strengthens these relationships and inspires us to prioritize them."

Why is private photo sharing so important, and how can we use photos to strengthen our most valuable relationships?

1. Photos keep you connected with your loved ones.

Eighty-five percent of those who share photos agree that a main reason they share is to strengthen relationships with friends and family. This is especially meaningful for your loved ones who live far away as sharing photos can help them feel closer to you. Whether your college roommate lives across the country or your sibling serves in the military overseas, they won't feel left out of special days if they can see the photos for themselves.

2. Finding photos quickly helps you share with your inner circle.

Let's face it, finding that one digital photo you want to share can be a challenge and it always seems to take longer right when you need it most. In the survey, a full 68 percent of people said they have lost digital photos. Being able to find the right photo to share quickly will make you look like a photo whiz and avoid those awkward moments where you scroll through thousands and thousands of photos in vain. Luckily, using a smart photo manager like ibi™ is one way to store your digital photos and videos so you can keep them handy and shareable at a moment's notice.

3. Sharing photos shows appreciation.

Sharing photos of an event is a great way to show appreciation to your friends and family who attended. You can say thanks to the friends who threw that great baby shower and give them a way to cherish the memories from that day for years to come. It's also a great way to stay connected with people who live further away. They'll feel great you included them in the festivities even if they couldn't attend in person.

4. Showing your friends who you really are.

What you photograph and share reveals a lot about you. But, a staggering 77 percent of people surveyed agreed that most of the people in their social networks exaggerate their lives online. You don't have to work hard for likes when you privately share with your loved ones. So whether it's that special trip you took, the family wedding or the craft projects you're working on, your friends and family will really appreciate being let into your inner circle and that you're being real with them.

5. Organizing your photos to make sharing easier.

Moms rejoice! A smart photo manager like ibi helps you organize your memories so you can easily share with others. All the other moms will think you are some kind of photo organization mastermind when they see you collect and share precious moments from soccer games, swim meets, bake-offs and everything in between. ibi helps you bring your photos, videos and favorite people together. Connecting with the people in our inner circle is all about building shared memories together, and with ibi it's never been easier. For more information about ibi, visit www.meetibi.com.

* The survey was conducted by Wakefield Research among 1,000 U.S. adults, ages 18+, between Feb. 28 and March 6, 2019, using an email invitation and online survey. Quotas were set to ensure reliable and accurate representation of the U.S. adult population. The margin of error is +/- 3.1 percent.

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