10 Things to Make You Feel Like a Rock Star at Work

You don’t need to know how to shred a guitar solo, or belt out a rock ballad to feel like a rock star at your job. Rock stars have certain traits and attributes that you can emulate at work to help you find your groove. Want to rock at work? Follow these tips.

1. Visualize

You know what every rock star has done before they stepped into the hot, glaring spotlight, walked to the microphone on stage and just soaked up the love of thousands of screaming fans at the beginning of a sold out show? They visualized it. By visualizing where you want to be it helps keep you focused and goal-oriented. You may not have dreams of singing at packed concert venues, but you can visualize what your next step will be, what life will be like after that next step, to ward off contentedness and a comfort with your surroundings. Rock stars are always looking to move on up.

2. Preparation

Want to feel like that drummer who just pulled off the perfect solo? First thing to realize is that it didn’t happen by accident. Years, maybe decades of practice allowed that rock star to nail that track. Now look to your own profession. Want to nail that presentation? Prepare for anything and everything, so that you will always strike the perfect chord and leave feeling like a rock star.

3. Win Early

Rocking is hard. Your break may never come. So is the business world, where being noticed early may be the difference between a promotion and stagnation. So how have successful rock stars broke through? Early career victories. Whether you are in the corporate world or involved in your own entrepreneurship, it is important to have some small, early victories to get your rock star mojo flowing.

4. Grow Thick Skin

Rock stars are constantly doubted and second-guessed. So too are entrepreneurs and small business owners. You are a trailblazer, so you will always have the doubters and haters standing on the sides telling you that you can’t. The only protection is thick skin, emboldened by the confidence in your own skills, to keep you rocking on.

5. Be Open to New Ideas

All great rock stars have evolved over time to stay relevant. They have leapt into new worlds with open minds to be influenced and create something new and unique. To feel like a rock star at work you must continually be evolving and stay open to new ideas.

6. Stop Complaining

Rock stars are beacons of positivity on stage. No one goes to a concert to hear them complain that there are not enough people in the stands or their guitar isn’t good enough. They are there to rock, not complain. Stay focused on what matters and let the little things roll on by. This positive rock star attitude will keep you moving in the right direction.

7. Breathe

Breathing exercises can help rock stars hit the high notes or maintain focus on the complex parts of their songs. Deep, regulated breathing improves focus, relieves stress and can make you calm, cool and relaxed in situations where others are melting. Now, what is more rock star than that?

8. Stop Comparing

The quickest way to crippling self-doubt is comparison. If the rock icons measured themselves against the greats before them, they would never of had the confidence to rock on in their own unique way. Capture this rock star attitude and quit comparing yourself to others in your professional and social network.

9. Unplug to Plug In

Non-stop rocking will burn out even the greatest of rock legends. Rock stars need breaks to refuel, relax and gain new insights and inspiration. But this is something that professionals can learn from, even though they didn’t just finish a twenty country, year long tour, the benefits of taking extended time off and putting yourself in unfamiliar surroundings will stimulate new areas of your brain, recharge your diligence and get you back to work feeling like a rock star.

10. Follow a Passion to Find Purpose

Rock stars live a glamorous, charmed life. However, beyond the fame and fortune, what really sparks reverence for rock stars in our society is that they have followed their passion to its fullest extent and greatest glory. Not everyone is pitch perfect or gifted with instruments, but we all are passionate about something, none more so than entrepreneurs and small business owners. Follow that passion until it leads you to a life of purpose, and you will find rock star living.

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