6 Qualities of Freelancers

Let’s face it. Freelancers live on the edge and take more risks than an average worker would regarding job security and income. As a result, there are certain sets of qualities that freelancers have that an employee at a big company might not. For starters, employees at a company might have their work assigned to them, making it a bit easier to manage. A freelancer does not have that luxury. Here are some qualities seen most in freelancers that every other worker might not have.

Excellent Time Management Skills

This is one of the most important qualities that a freelancer has, because every job or project is demanding of their time and because there are usually so many to deal with at one time. Managing time and prioritizing activities is something that every freelancer has or should have, especially if you want to be a successful one.


Taking no for an answer might mean that you will not be able to pay your bills next month. Freelancers deal with a whole lot of rejection from a variety of different people, so much so, that it’s become second nature to them. Persistence is a quality that every freelancer is packing in case a firm ‘NO’ is thrown in their direction.

Communication Skills

Being able to communicate your thoughts and ideas in a clear, concise, and professional manner is a quality that freelancers often have because of how much they engage with people. Getting clients, making contacts, and reaching out to people would be the top three things in the freelancer’s handbook, if there were such a thing.

Thinking/Acting Quickly

Sometimes, the competition for a job might be fierce. Thinking quickly about the next step you are going to take to get that job might help you to act more quickly to secure something before someone else does. Also remember, a freelancer might have a lot of different experiences, so explaining all of that during a job interview might require some quick thinking.

Quick Turnaround Time

Though this goes hand in hand with time management, quick turnaround times are very important when you’re a freelancer. Getting a job done as fast as possible means that you will be able to not only impress the client who hired you to get a job done quickly, but you will have more time to continue working on another job or project.

Being a Leader

Freelancers are their own bosses and sometimes when things get a little rough, there may not be anyone to give you a good kick in the pants. Leading yourself and setting examples for yourself will help you become successful in any job you do. Being a leader also means that you might have to guide clients in the right direction sometimes. This is an excellent quality that a lot of freelancers have.

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