A Letter from Adeelqures Whose Fiverr Income Helped Grow His Family

We received this wonderful and touching note from Adeelqures, a Fiverr® seller in Pakistan who is a full-time freelancer, who has maintained high ratings for over a year and a. But for Adeelqures, Fiverr has been about much more than a way to make a living doing what he loves.

Here’s the touching letter he sent to us.

Hello Fiverr,

I want to share my story because I think it will motivate other Fiverr users.

After my wife and I married a little over five years ago, we wanted to have children, but we struggled with infertility. We were very sad because life seemed meaningless without a child, but we could not afford infertility treatments because I come from a poor family and my employer at the time did not pay me nearly enough.

About 17 months ago, I started on Fiverr. The orders were slow at the start, but I soon had some buyers and found a client from UK who has been a steady buyer ever since. The money I earned from Fiverr made it possible to start fertility treatments, and by the grace of God, my wife conceived during January of 2014.

I took very good care of her, but I also wanted the delivery to take place in a top-quality hospital. My daughter was born on October 10, 2014, and thanks to Fiverr, she was born in one of the best hospitals in my country. My income from Fiverr covered all of our hospital expenses!

So Fiverr has been a blessing in my life, and it also helped to bring a new life into the world!

Best Regards,

Pic of Adeel's Daughter

If you have a story you’d like to share, please send it to us by email at community@fiverr.com.

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