Meet the Instructors: Dennis Yu and Logan Young of Blitz Metrics

As we recruited instructors for Learn from Fiverr, the first e-learning platform designed specifically for freelancers, we knew we only wanted to work with the best of the best. Freelancers already need to do more with less time, so we needed proven thought leaders and experts in each field. So when it came to putting together a Facebook advertising curriculum, the amazing team at BlitzMetrics was the logical choice.

Founded in 2008 by Dennis Yu, BlitzMetrics is a specialty digital marketing firm that creates Facebook dashboards and micro-targeted ad campaigns for brands. As some of the leading Facebook Ads experts, they’ve spent over $1B on Facebook Ads for their clients in the past 11 years. In addition to teaching doers like you the Facebook advertising ropes, BlitzMetrics provides training to universities and non-profit organizations. The firm employs 12 self-professed “data geeks” in Minneapolis, Portland, Denver, and New York—as well as a virtual classroom on Learn from Fiverr.

Read on to learn a little bit more about Dennis Yu and Logan Young, the entrepreneurs behind Blitz Metrics and your new Facebook Ads Targeting professors on Learn from Fiverr.

Tell us a little about you guys. Who you are, where you’re from, what you do.

LOGAN: Dennis and I co-founded BlitzMetrics. We get to travel the all over the world to teach Facebook marketing, create jobs for young adults, and eat the food at Facebook’s many offices.

I studied Advertising at BYU and grew up in Gilbert Arizona with 4 sisters and no brothers (that was fun!). I help create courses and training for BlitzMetrics and our partners.

DENNIS: I’m a math guy who was at Yahoo! in the early days. And now I’m the CTO, which is a fancy way of saying I help build systems.

Tell us the story behind BlitzMetrics. How did you guys start your own company?

DENNIS: We were lucky to be allowed to run ads in May 2007, when Facebook first opened up their marketing platform. And with help from our friends at Facebook back then, we made a lot of money running ads for ourselves and other companies. A billion dollars later, we’re helping others start their own Facebook ad agencies.

Facebook ads: who needs them, who sees them, and what are most people doing wrong?

LOGAN: Facebook and Google own a 75% share on the online market for advertising. Anyone advertising online needs to be using Facebook Ads. Facebook owns 4 of the top 10 apps in the App Store (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp), so essentially EVERYONE sees the ads since it’s the same algorithm behind each of these 4 apps. Most people are trying to use these platforms without having read the “owners manual”—in other words, they’re willy-nilly creating ads, but doing most of it the wrong way.

Every ad is 50% content and 50% targeting. If content is king, then targeting is queen. Our course is designed to improve ad performance and scale your Facebook campaigns. The curriculum is suitable for all levels, whether you’re a complete beginner or want to polish up your Facebook targeting skills.

What will entrepreneurs and doers learn in your Learn from Fiverr course?

LOGAN: “A smart man learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from the mistakes of others.” We’ve spent over a billion dollars on Facebook over the last 11 years. Entrepreneurs who take our courses will get to learn from our mistakes as well as success, when it comes to Targeting, Driving Leads, etc.

Which freelance services helped you grow your business?

DENNIS: As you know, we’ve been loyal buyers on Fiverr for 6 years. If it weren’t for those initial Gigs to buy videos, songs, websites, and logos, there’s no way we could have scaled our marketing and operations. Fiverr was our outsourced marketing team to help make clients happy.  

Why is creative collaboration important for new and growing businesses?

LOGAN: The majority of new businesses fail. Unfortunately, it’s not just about “hustle” and “hard work.” If you’re trying to do it all on your own, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Creativity, by nature, is better when you have many outside contributing perspectives. To be able to tap into a marketplace for one particular skill you don’t have in-house for one project is more efficient than needing to have that person as an employee on your team.

Video is increasingly critical, if not THE main focus of our creative. I like to hire the various video spokespeople on Fiverr.

What drives you as entrepreneurs? Why do you do what you do?

LOGAN: I’ve embraced the philosophy of Learn → Do → Teach. I get a “thrill” out of always learning new things (through mentorship + trial and error) and get fulfillment from teaching others and seeing them achieve success.

How have you grown your business using Fiverr?

LOGAN: We’ve used Fiverr in a variety of fashions, but namely for the purpose of building word-of-mouth. By utilizing the Fiverr services to create a better product and show appreciation for existing clients, customers and partners we’ve strengthened relationships through a process we call “Client-Love,” which has been mainly driven by Fiverr services.

Do you have any favorite Gigs or go-to sellers?

DENNIS: We do, but we don’t want them to get flooded with requests. Let’s just say we like people who make and edit videos.

What advice do you have for first-time Fiverr buyers?

DENNIS: Buy 10 small Gigs and see what happens. The beauty of Fiverr is that you can spread your risk across many sellers, as opposed to the traditional route of hiring just one person and hoping they work out.

When you find someone you like, then it’s time to ramp up the projects you have with them, build the relationship, and so forth. We think of Fiverr like a marketing dating site!

What are your business goals? What’s next for BlitzMetrics?

LOGAN: My business goals are the same as they’ve always been, I hope to make enough money to provide and support for my family .

DENNIS: We want to create a million jobs in digital marketing—by training up people as digital marketing professionals who then offer their services in various marketplaces. We believe there will be an Uber of marketing and we want to power the training of the digital marketing component—starting with Learn from Fiverr. 

Ready to learn from Blitz Metrics? Use code Learn15WithBlitzMetrics for 15% off their Facebooks Ads Targeting course until 10/24.

Have questions for Dennis and Logan? Ask them in the comments below—and head over to our Facebook and Instagram channels to see their entrepreneurial expertise in action! 

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