4 Tips For Creating Holiday Business Cards

The holidays are the perfect time of year to reach out to your customers and tell them how much you appreciate their business. One way to do this is with a holiday business card.

Fiverr® hosts a wide array of creative professionals such as: writers, graphic designers, animators, and more who can help you craft a unique holiday card that expresses your appreciation and positions your small business or service as an important part of your customers’ lives. If you decide to work with a Fiverr creative on a holiday business card, here are a few things to consider.

Go For Quality

If you’re going to make the effort to send out Holiday cards, you want to be able to impress your recipients. Whether you are sending physical or digital cards it has to be high quality, after all, your business’s name is on it! Having your cards printed on a thicker card stock and finding talented designer are essential when creating your holiday card. No one wants to be known for sending out flimsy cards or using boring stock imagery on their cards.

Consider the Message

The front of your card will probably have a few words (“Happy Holidays,” “Seasons Greetings”) or maybe no words at all. But the inside of the card is where you really need to be thoughtful about the words you use. Some companies will even add a short handwritten component to give the card a personal touch. What you say here is very important, so be sure to spend time thinking about your message before you put pen to paper.

Include Branding—But Be Subtle

If your card is going out to your customers, you want them to know exactly who it’s coming from. In addition to your team or CEO’s name, be sure to include your logo, just make sure it’s a high-quality file so it looks crisp and clean. But of course, be sure your logo is subtly placed on the card. You don’t want it to feel to commercial, otherwise the message loses sincerity. Consider putting it on the back or under the signature.

Ensure a Smooth Arrival

When it comes to sending out your holiday business cards, you want them to be there early and you want them to reach the right person. If you’re mailing out a large batch of cards, you may want to work with a mailing house to ensure each card ends up in the right hands. And of course, there’s nothing more annoying than finding out your holiday card didn’t arrive until after the New Year, which is why most people try to send out their cards early. If you send them digitally, you’ll also want to get them out a bit earlier, to ensure no last minute overloads or issues that can occur when email systems overload.

The more creative your card, the better chances it has of being passed around – which is good advertising for you.

Check out some of the great greeting card designs available on Fiverr®.

The post 4 Tips For Creating Holiday Business Cards appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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