5 Gigs to Get Your App in the App Store Before Christmas

The holiday season is a busy time for everyone. There are gifts to buy, parties to plan, and cards to send to friends and family members. If you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, the holiday season may also provide the perfect opportunity to connect with your customers.

One great way to do this is with a mobile app, especially since mobile app usage is growing and time spent on mobile web browsers is falling.

But the road to publishing an app requires teamwork and a little bit of patience, especially if you’re looking to launch it before the holidays. Here are five Fiverr® mobile-related Gigs® that can help you build a great app and get it in the iTunes App Store before Christmas.

1. Build the App

First things first: build your app. If you aren’t an experienced app developer (and let’s face it, few of us are) you should assign this task to an expert. Fiverr has a wealth of creative professionals that can work with you to create an app that fits all of your business needs. When working with a Fiverr entrepreneur, try to have a good idea of what you want your app to do for your customer. And of course, your Fiverr professional may have a few ideas of his or her own that can help make your app stand out.

2. Design Your App

In addition to finding someone to build your app, you’ll want someone to make it look great. You can use Fiverr to find a designer that can make your app look as fantastic as it performs. You’ll of course want to incorporate your logo, brand colors, and any other important visuals from your other digital touch points to ensure the app is an organic part of your brand.

3. Create an Icon

Your app icon is a hugely important part of your app. It’s the thing that someone will see when they open their phone or tablet, or visit your page on the App Store. The more visually pleasing it is, the more likely it’ll be come a regular part of that customer’s mobile experience. Hire an app icon designer so you can great something that’s visually pleasing and representative of your brand.

4. Test Your App

You don’t want to release your app to the world until it’s running exactly how it should. Take the pain out of the testing phase of your app by working with an expert who specializes in app testing. They’ll be able to look for a range of common problems, from typos to navigation issues. And unlike your mom or best friend, they’re more likely to give you an unbiased opinion.

5. Submit Your App to the App Store

App Store rules and requirements can change at a moment’s notice, so it helps to have someone with experience working with you during the submission and upload process to ensure your app is accepted as quickly as possible.

You’ll find more helpful mobile Gigs here.

The post 5 Gigs to Get Your App in the App Store Before Christmas appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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