Randy Rayess, Cofounder at VenturePact – a marketplace that connects companies to prescreened software development firms. Randy has worked in private equity at SilverLake Partners and in machine learning. You can reach out to him on Linkedin or Twitter.
Today, more employees and freelancers are working remotely than ever before. The size of the remote workforce is growing on a daily basis. In recent years, powerful advancements in technology brought us a hyperconnected marketplace spanning global borders.
With the tap of a few keys and a click of a mouse, high quality talent is available for graphic design, content writing, animated videos and so much more. Whether you’re building a business or looking to monetize your skillset, the Fiverr® marketplace is invaluable.
Set Goals
When working remotely, it is of utmost importance to set tangible short and long term goals. Setting goals at a project’s inception will help you devise an efficient plan to reach these goals.
Whether you’re the contractor or employer, communication is vital to any remote engagement. Scheduling regular meetings and calls will ensure that both parties are aware of all tasks and deliverables.
Create A Schedule That Works For You
Setting benchmarks for success can help remote workers plan workflow accordingly. Are you most productive at 10am? Does your productivity tend to dip around 4pm? Schedule difficult tasks for the morning and leave easy projects for when you’re feeling low on energy.
Establish An Office Environment
One of the pain points of remote working is separating home and work. Many remote workers prefer to work from home, but this often creates an environment where productivity can fall to the wayside. Have a favorite coffee shop around the corner? Going to the gym can lead to improved concentration and can increase focus.
Schedule Time To Interact
Working remotely can be a lonely experience without interaction during the day. Have 15 minutes? Call a colleague to brainstorm. Attend an event. Even meeting with a friend for lunch can help get the creativity muscle working and the ideas flowing.
Do you work remotely? What are your tips for productivity?
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