Gig Economy News

Sometimes being an entrepreneur is simply about making mistakes and learning lessons from them. It can be embarrassing at times, but any entrepreneur who doesn’t make mistakes, simply isn’t putting himself out there enough.

Without daring to try something you haven’t done before, you can’t succeed in the business world. This week’s Gig economy is all about some mistakes we can avoid by listening to those who have made them before.

Mistakes that New Founders Make

The startup scene can be a real dog-eat-dog world. In this piece from Geektime, we get the benefit of an insightful look back on avoidable mistakes by a startup founder in Florida. To sum up, the too-common advice to just follow your instincts may be some of the worst advice that entrepreneurs get, even if sometimes it’s essential to follow your gut.

Tech Terms to Get Straight

We’ve all mixed up similar but distinct ideas. When you are an entrepreneur though, it’s important to know your terms. Especially if you have to get outside help for building your business, you want to make sure you’re communicating your needs and your goals correctly. Mashable brings us the top 10 tech terms that people mix up:

  • The Internet vs The Web: The former is the connections while the latter is the information that flows through them.
  • HTML vs CSS: HTML is a programming language and CSS is the system that makes a website written in HTML look nice.
  • Front End vs Back End: To put it simply, the front end is everything you can see on a website and the back end is everything that makes it work.
  • Apps vs Software: This one is tricky but Mashable breaks it down by saying that all apps are software, but not all software is an app.
  • UX vs UI: Perhaps the most confusing of them all, UX is user experience – how using a program makes the user feel. Meanwhile, UI is user interface – how a product is laid out visually and functionally.

Get Your To-Do List Under Control

We’ve talked before about the importance of being organized, and the beautiful simplicity of the to-do list in helping you stay on top of things. However, it’s way too easy for these lists to get out of hand. Huffington Post Small Business offers these 7 questions as a way to effectively prioritize your to-do list, no matter how long it may be and how crazy the day may get.

Don’t Be Afraid to Say No

Being assertive and defining your business values are two of the most important aspects of being an entrepreneur. In this article from Inc, we learn the value of saying no, how to employ the word no to help your business, and the importance of sticking to your guns even when it’s uncomfortable.

The post Gig Economy News appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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