Gig Economy News: Be Yourself

Your business is your baby, but who you are as an individual influences every aspect of how you care for it and help it grow. It’s important to remember, regardless of how you run your business, the key to staying motivated is to always be yourself. Ultimately, your personality is what shapes your business. That’s why this week’s Gig Economy News will focus on how embracing authenticity can help contribute to your success.

Pro Tip

By now you’ve heard about Fiverr Pro and how it can help your business grow, but what about the people who make Fiverr Pro the incredible resource that it is? We’ve started a new series of episodes where you’ll get to meet some of the dedicated individuals who are powering the pro revolution. In the first episode, you’ll meet Laura Thomas, an individual who believes success is a state of mind.

How They Do It

If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere! So how do people make it as entrepreneurs in New York City? Well, each individual has their own approach but that doesn’t mean that you can’t take their strategies for success and apply them to your own pursuits. Check out what it takes to make it in NYC and take a bit of their stories home to your own business.

Live Your Life

Our favorite thing about entrepreneurship is that it can compliment almost any lifestyle, allowing you the freedom to live and work on your own schedule. We’ve had many success stories of people who are able to live their best lives because of the freedom and flexibility that the Gig Economy offers, but this story shows how entrepreneurship can take you on an adventure – literally! Check out how one seller used Fiverr to explore the world and follow his dreams.

Put People First

While entrepreneurship can help you live your best life, it can also help you change others for the better. Social entrepreneurship has been making a buzz lately, and any entrepreneur can be a part of the movement. Whether you’re just getting started or you want to know how to integrate causes you care about into your business model, check out this article with the inside scoop.

How do you infuse your business with your personality? Tell us in the comments!

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