Let Testimonials Do the Heavy Lifting for Your Gym

Competition is fierce in the fitness industry. In most towns or cities, consumers can choose from 24-hour workout centers, family-style civic centers complete with pools, and even gyms dedicated to a specific type of class (yoga or spinning, for instance). Winning customers in these markets can be difficult since there are typically only so many amenities one gym can offer while still remaining profitable.

The best way to stand out in a competitive field is to make a good impression on your customers (which Fiverr freelancers can help you with). When members are impressed with the services you provide, they’ll tell others, both in person and on social media. The result is often an overall increase in brand awareness as people recognize your gym as one their friends use and love.

But when you’re trying to scale quickly, waiting for customers to talk about your brand can be frustrating. That’s why many businesses post testimonials on their websites. Here are a few ways gyms are using testimonials to create the referrals they need:

Visual storytelling

Trophy Fitness Club in Texas incorporates video of members into its testimonials, providing insight into its different types of users and their fitness levels. Through videos, you can show loyal customers as they work out and get results. You can also incorporate photos of members working out and taking classes to illustrate those success stories. This will be far more powerful than simply reading members’ stories.

Influencer recommendations

Connect with someone with a large social media following and work with them to promote your business and you’ll likely get more exposure than money can buy. If you don’t have local influencers, find someone outside your region who might be willing to try out your gym for free while in the area, in exchange for a plug. Harigian Fitness in Los Angeles has collected testimonials from big-name celebrities to generate excitement about their facilities.

Before-and-after photos

For many people, the decision to join a gym is tied directly to a personal goal. Whether someone wants to lose weight, get in shape, or recover from illness or injury, your gym can help. By having members tell their own success stories, you can take a case study approach (with the help of a Fiverr expert) to marketing your business. Charter Fitness uses before-and-after photos of successful members to combine testimonials with image-based marketing. Reach out to members and ask if they’d be interested in being profiled for your blog or social media site. From there, you’ll likely be able to get approval to permanently feature a blurb on your website as a testimonial.

Do you use testimonials on your own business’s website? Tell us below in the comments about your successes and lessons learned.

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