Freedom. Control. Creativity. At some point or another we have all let our minds drift during menial tasks about the luxuries of self-employment. We breeze through the difficult start-up stage and emerge in complete control of our own domain. Then the dull sting of fluorescent light jerks you back to your cubicle and the clock crushes your fantasy of independence as you are on company time until six today, tomorrow and into the foreseeable future.
So, why are we able to get so high in our minds only to allow reality to topple us time and time again? Most people lack the consistent motivation to pair with the will to break free from their current position. So how can you stay focused to achieve your goal of owning your own business?
Reflect and Write
There is no greater motivator than you. However, there is no greater detractor than you as well. Learn how to keep the devil on your shoulder in check and make the angel on your shoulder louder by taking time out of your day to meditate or reflect in some way. Taking just five minutes to yourself will reap rewards of clarity and clearness of mind.
Whether it is sitting on the floor or taking a walk in the park, let your mind wander and ruminate. Let it bounce from your current job, to your potential. Envision what success looks like, feels like, is like. Then go back and write it all down. There is a certain power in writing things down. You have put it out into the universe. Your potential now exists on paper. From this point, only you will stop yourself.
Steer Clear of Fear
Now that it is out there and you are motivated. The little devil will get even louder and angrier. Your head will fill with thoughts of disaster and self-doubt. To help you stay motivated you need to play out the worst-case scenario in your mind. So you take the chance and then what? Often our minds make mountains out of molehills and we must recognize what is truly a catastrophe in waiting and what could be overcome.
More often than not, the worst possible outcome is not as bad as we may have originally thought. So you take the chance and it does not work out. Does that mean you cannot ever regain the same level of discontent and unrest you had before you took the chance? More likely, that disconnect and adrenaline filled misstep will put you on the right path. Thomas Edison created the first commercially viable light bulb after dozens of failures and almost one hundred years after the first one was invented. There will always be more reasons not to. Stay motivated by steering clear of fear.
The World Keeps Spinning
If you are waiting for the perfect time, it is just that little devil on your shoulder getting his way again. Perfect does not exist in this world and their will certainly never be an ideal time that will satisfy the self-doubting, fearful voice in your head to go ahead and take that risk. Have you ever noticed that the world keeps spinning no matter what you did the day before? This is why you need to take control. Each day you put it off is a day lost. Keep this in mind next time you are lacking the motivation to get your business started.
Profession or Project?
Perhaps the greatest inhibitor of creating your own business is the type of effort you devote to it consistently. Ask yourself, is this a profession I am venturing into or a project? Projects are for rainy Sunday mornings. Professions keep you up at night and put money in your bank account. How can you hope to achieve serious success if you are not treating your craft professionally? Set hard deadlines and create real-world accountability (this could be anything from giving money to a charity, staying in for dinner on a Friday night or an extra intense workout for missed deadlines).
Now that you have the proper motivation to get started on building your own business, it is important to get started as soon as possible. Read and research as much as you need to get started, but avoid start-up brain freeze, where you spend all your initial passion and motivation reading up on what to do and not to do. You will make mistakes along the way towards success, but don’t let them bring you down.
As Thomas Edison famously said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
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