Freelancer & Full-Time Mom: Charmaine’s Mother Day Success Story

Corporate recruiter Charmaine Pocek began polishing candidates resumes on Fiverr as a way to save up for her daughter’s adoption. Six years later, she is the first female freelancer (and first American) to make $1 million on Fiverr—an incredible feat that has been featured in Forbes, The Penny Hoarder, and The Huffington Post. Read her inspiring story below to learn how Fiverr helped her achieve both her personal and professional goals.  

I’m Charmaine, otherwise known as “Boomsa” on Fiverr (long story – another post)! I live in Houston, TX, and write resumes, cover letters, and Linkedin optimizations. I listed my first Gig in 2011 – and chose to leave my 15-year career in the corporate world as a recruiter in 2014 to write resumes full time (after we started our family). It was by far the best decision I have ever made!

Not only did Fiverr provide me with the means to work for myself, but the additional income made our adoption plans solid. Adoption is extremely expensive, and I raised the funds we needed to fully fund our adoption by 2013. It was a dream come true – we had a very long journey! Currently, Fiverr’s platform and working for myself allows me the precious gift of TIME to spend with my family! No job will allow you to take random days off during the week (EVERY week!!) to enjoy attractions without the crowds or surprising my daughter at school – just because. We also love to travel, and Fiverr gives me the freedom to write resumes from home or in the middle of the ocean!

In addition to providing me with time and flexibility, I love what I do because I help others. The messages I get telling me that the resume I wrote landed them an interview and offer keeps my motivation through the roof. I loved recruiting for this reason as well – but writing resumes provides the flexibility I need while still directly making a difference.

When I started Fiverr, I was not a “Certified” Resume Writer, even though I rewrote thousands of resumes helping my candidates land interviews. I am now triple certified, and the knowledge I have gained is directly passed onto my clients. I am very thankful for the diverse clientele I work with on Fiverr to have pushed me to complete the training.

I try to keep in touch with customers as much as possible – when I deliver orders, I ask my clients to follow up with me to make sure the resume is working – and fill me in on interviews/offers! I’ll never forget one of my favorites – it is truly a small world! I completed a resume back in 2015 for an individual who wanted to relocate to be closer to his fiancé’s family (in Dallas, TX). He not only got the job but moved about three months later into a home just a few doors down from where I grew up in (a suburb of Dallas, TX). I was floored when he sent me a picture walking his dog on the same street I must have played on for thousands of evenings!

This Mother’s Day, I am so blessed to spend it with my precious 3-year old daughter, husband, and spoiled-rotten dog – and I can thank Fiverr for the platform and my thousands of customers for making this journey possible!

How has Fiverr helped you achieve your goals? Tell us in the comments below!

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