Gig Economy News: Marketing Matters

Growing your business is part ambition, part action—but neither will lead to much without a strategy. Marketing your business brings together both of these aspects: you need to envision who you want to reach and how, and you need to build a marketing plan and implement it. Whether you’re looking for inspiration because you’re ready to get your marketing plan on-air, or if you’re looking for ways to freshen up your usual strategies – this week’s Gig Economy News is for you.

It Pays to Click

Have you heard of PPC marketing? PPC – or pay per click – is one of the fastest growing marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. If you’re not on the PPC bandwagon, now is the time to join in. However, make sure you avoid these seven common PPC mistakes that the Next Web has noticed too many people making.

Catch the Holiday Spirit – Early

Did you miss the St. Patrick’s day holiday marketing opportunity, or another recent holiday in your country? Don’t let it happen again! Holidays are a great chance to boost your marketing efforts and inject festivity and creativity into your brand’s voice. Take a look at our tips for making the most out of holiday marketing.

Sharpen Your Storytelling

While there are lots of cutting edge marketing methods, at the end of the day the best way to get your brand’s story out there is simply to get back to basics. Storytelling may sound like a breeze, but crafting the perfect story to encapsulate what makes your brand unique is anything but easy. Take a look at this insightful article from Forbes to get ideas for how to make your story stand out by simplifying it.

Market Your Marketing

If marketing is your business, you really have no excuse to not optimize your efforts more effectively. Streamlining your marketing Gigs in order to make it easier for buyers to understand their choices and choose the best option for their needs should be at the top of your “do” list. Take a look at our tips for Fiverr’s digital marketing sellers and start improving your page today.

How will you boost your marketing game this week? Tell us in the comments!

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