Hungry for Success: Gigi’s Doer Story

GiGi DuBois is a doer in the truest sense. The former competitive snowboarder and horseback rider grew up to become a popular allergen-friendly cook, and certified nutritionist, with a master’s degree in Nutrition Communications. Using Fiverr, she created a blog/vlog where people with diet concerns can get advice (such as traveling with food intolerances) along with allergen-friendly recipes that everyone can enjoy. Read Gigi’s doer success story below, and then follow along as Gigi takes over our Instagram account tomorrow at @Fiverr.

Most people know me as an eating enthusiast on YouTube or as the girl who loves chowing down on salmon skin more than she loves, um, I think I would get in trouble if I said what I am thinking, ha! However, what a lot of people don’t know is that I am also a Fiverr entrepreneur.

You see, I created a blog and YouTube channel about five years ago called GiGi Eats Celebrities. GiGi Eats Celebrities is a place where I devour celebrities like Ryan Reynolds because—I mean, have you SEEN that tasty dish?

In all seriousness though, my blog and YouTube channel are actually where I showcase innovative, unique, and healthy new food products, food-allergen friendly recipes, how to travel with food allergies (if you haven’t caught on yet, I have a lot of food allergies and intolerances, thanks to having Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease, and no large intestine), along with my bizarre and quirky personality.

After a few years of creating content for my website and YouTube channel, I realized that I could in fact make this hobby of mine, my full time job, but not unless I stepped my game up by hiring professionals to help me with certain aspects of blogging that I just did not know how to do myself. After scouring the web for legitimate help, I stumbled across Fiverr and was absolutely transfixed by the, what feels like billions, of different “Gigs” for sale that would benefit the brand I was building. Of course Fiverr was a bit overwhelming at first, thanks to the multitude of offerings from people around the world, however, with specific tasks I needed help on, I was able to narrow in on the Gigs that would benefit me tremendously.

Logos, banners, search engine optimizations, tips and tricks on how to grow social media following, how to excel in the YouTube space- I have purchased all types of Gigs on Fiverr, without breaking the bank. And while some purchases were duds, most were tremendously helpful and have allowed me to grow my following, and not only expand my blog reach, but also expand my knowledge in the field of social media marketing exponentially.

Now, in order to make blogging and YouTubing my full-time job, I couldn’t continue to simply spend money on all sorts of Gigs on Fiverr, unless I was earning an income myself, thus I decided to “turn the tables” so to speak, and become a Gig seller myself.

While I felt much more confident in my social media and blogging game, thanks to Fiverr, the services I listed had nothing to do with that genre. Instead, I sold writing services (a prime example that you can pretty much sell any type of service on Fiverr), because I mean, why not put my journalistic background (I have my broadcast journalism degree) to work! My focus was on nutrition, food, health and wellness, as these are the topics I am insanely passionate about, and on top of that, I have my masters in nutrition, thus I felt very qualified to sell such services.

Success from these Gigs definitely did not happen overnight, and to be completely honest, I never really promoted said services, because, well, I am not a pushy person and I would never force someone into doing something they don’t want to do. That being said, after about two or three weeks, DING, an email came in, with a Gig purchase!

It was insanely exciting, but also, a tiny bit stressful because I am the type that does not procrastinate, so I wanted to write the article ASAP. Of course, when you list your own Gigs, you can give a time frame of how long the Gig will take you to complete, but I wanted to please my buyer immediately! I have to say my work ethic was well received because he kept coming back for more, and left me phenomenal reviews which attracted other buyers!

At one point, I had an ongoing “agreement” with a buyer, which led me to become a level 2 seller on Fiverr! When you become a level 2 seller you can start selling your services for more money, thus, I began making even more money on Fiverr, furthering my ability to become a full-time blogger and YouTuber!

Fiverr has opened so many doors for me. Sure, it’s helped me earn some extra income (so as to buy more salmon skin that I can shovel in my face), but it’s done far more than that. It had educated me in areas I knew nothing about initially (anything web related) and has actually made me an even better businesswoman.

I can officially say that I am a full-time blogger/ YouTuber. I work from home, in my bathrobe and it’s an absolute dream come true!

Have questions for Gigi? Ask her in the comments below—and then stay tuned to see her Instagram takeover tomorrow on our @Fiverr account tomorrow! 

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