(Voice) Over and Out: Pete’s Seller Success Story

Pete Accetturo, aka voiceoverpete on Fiverr, was told for years by friends to do spokesperson videos because of the way he could master a boardroom. Two years later he’s collaborating with and supporting other Fiverr sellers, and has mastered a new frontier- the Voice Over category on Fiverr. Here’s Pete’s Fiverr story:

Tell us a little about yourself. Who you are, where you’re from, what you do on Fiverr.

Living in Florida, a healthy lifestyle is part of my way of life. Today, I offer a lifetime of sales experience, having traveled over 1 million air miles. My past experiences included presenting and representing Fortune 100 companies from conference rooms to executive boardrooms. Because my skill set is extensive in the technical area, I was able to solve problems and provide solutions in the technology industry. Having closed over $150 million in sales during the last 15 years, I strive for my previous sales experience to be put to work for my buyer clients on Fiverr. When I complete a delivery of a product or service in a video production, this is similar to what I have done for years.

How did you get into the video production and voice over business?

For years, my friends have always suggested that I do video spokesperson productions. While serving in executive positions, presentations have always been one of my strengths. Having the privilege of adding voiceovers to my Fiverr offering is just icing on the cake. What validates my move into the micro-marketplace on Fiverr has been my former Fortune 100 clients placing orders for my Gigs.

How did you hear about Fiverr? What inspired you to create your Gig?

One of my friends, Andy Coffman (MyMondo), TRS, reached out and encouraged me to step up and join the entrepreneur community at Fiverr. His friendship and guidance were critical in inspiring me and laying the foundation for my interest in this wonderful community.

How have your skills grown since joining Fiverr?

“Grown” is an understatement. Today, I am light years from where I was just two short years ago. One of my business strengths has been to network with clients and key resources. Imagine my surprise when I reached out to influencers like Sebski22, AllieMadison12, Jaynesays and Websitevideo to create the first-ever combination Gig on Fiverr. We challenge each other and push one another to improve and grow our broadcast equipment technical expertise to ever increase our production value.

Can you share some of the favorite projects you’ve worked on?

My first $1000 video production was a stretch. The 18-minute production used various effects and new features. These special optical effects taught me to seek out highly competent video engineers on Fiverr, who could take my production to the next level. Currently, I employ two engineers to maintain the production volume. My first video series was 100 different videos. What excites me about voiceovers is when I can be creative such as doing character voices with sound effects for a new video game.

What advice would you give to a newcomer on Fiverr looking to achieve success?

Research your Gig well. You must understand the landscape before you jump into it. Observe the Top Rated Sellers related to your Gigs. What techniques are they employing that put them at the top? Think about what you can do that is not another “Me-Too” offer, but unique to you? Lastly, offer some value-added service to your Gig. If you hang your hat solely on price, then you reduce your Gigs to a commodity. If you push the value of your service, then you won’t lose a sale because of price. Lastly, digital buyers want to make a purchase now. Use a soft closing line in every message. A buyer will keep shopping until they buy. Be the one from whom they buy their Gig and take them off the market!

What impact has Fiverr had on your life? Has it changed the way you think about your profession or career?

Fiverr has given me a career opportunity that would not have been possible anywhere else. The playing field is even. The onus of responsibility is on the seller to perform a great service. Give your brand (YOU) some value and buyers will beat a path to your door. Presently, this is my full-time career. After spending $30,000 on converting my garage into a state of the art video and voiceover studio, it has paid for itself through Fiverr.

Have a success story of your own? Share it with us by e-mailing community@Fiverr.com!

The post (Voice) Over and Out: Pete’s Seller Success Story appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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