4 Steps to Define Your Culture as an Entrepreneur

Hello From TalentTribe!
Hi! We’re TalentTribe, a young startup that is creating a platform to help companies connect with talent in a new way by showcasing their company culture and telling their authentic story.

As a part of our journey in building TalentTribe, we have had the unique opportunity to spend time with 100 growing tech startups who are dedicated to building and fostering inspiring cultures. What that really translates to is: companies that care about their people. We’ve taken an inside view into the people behind the brands and gotten to know the human side of these companies. We’ve learned a lot about how our partner companies have defined and established their cultures, we’ve helped them tell their story and we’re working together to share with the world. We’re really excited to share some of our learnings from this process with the Fiverr community – both individuals and small businesses – to help you define your unique values and culture/story, create an authentic brand and effectively sell yourself and your product through networking in the digital age.

WTF is company culture?
Company culture is commonly defined as “norms, expectations, beliefs, values, traditions and systems” which help people take similar actions, independently and drive desired results for your company. Okay, that probably wasn’t helpful.

As we think of it – culture is the glue that holds an organization together. It creates consistent expectations for behavior and delivery on your brand promise.

I’m an entrepreneur, why does this matter to me?
While this is generally thought to apply to larger organizations, you can take steps to define the culture/story for your business, even if you’re self-employed. So, we’ve put together a list of four steps you can take, regardless of the size of your business, to define what type of culture you have.

4 steps to defining your culture:

Define your core values

Identify the 3-5 values that you most consistently demonstrate and prioritize in your daily life. This shouldn’t just pertain to your work. Think across all aspects of your life. Keeping your core values consistent across how you live inside and outside of professional experiences will help you feel happier with your day-to-day

Assess what activates, motivates and inspires you

Think about some of your best work and biggest accomplishments. What were the circumstances in which you were most productive and felt the happiest? Where are your major strengths? When are you most excited about work? Think about some of your favorite projects and/or clients – what about this experience made it your favorite?

Assess what deactivates, frustrates you and hinders your productivity

Think about some of your most challenging moments, both personally and professionally. Identify the key themes from those moments – what’s the same, what’s different from those scenarios. Think critically about the scenarios that triggered your feelings of frustration or produced a negative result. These are important things to pay attention to and to attempt to avoid or actively plan to handle differently in the future.

Write it down! And live it

Many companies prominently display their values and artifacts of their culture in their office space. Write down the outcome of the above exercise and display them, along with any other major artifacts – a project you’re proud of, something that inspires you or represents one of your core values. Consistently make decisions based on the above.

So, do you feel like you have a good idea of what your company culture is/could be? Tell us ways you’ve helped create a unique culture below. And stay tuned for the next posts in this series, where we explore how to create an authentic brand.

TalentTribe :: Explore Company Culture. Find Your Fit. Love Where You Work.
www.talenttribe.com Download TalentTribe App Here
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