How Double Zebra Maintains Success During COVID-19

FUN FACT #12: A GROUP OF ZEBRA IS CALLED A DAZZLE.  Would you say the same about your marketing?

This is the type of engaging content you’ll find when you visit Aaron Wolpoff’s creative marketing website, and we think he hit the nail on the head. 

We interviewed Aaron who has built his agency, Double Zebra, in large part with Fiverr sellers’ help. They cover just about every facet of marketing a company could want. They even offer services to other agencies. We thought he would be perfect to talk with about how to keep the wheels turning creatively and profitably—especially during such a difficult time around the world. 

Here are Aaron’s insights about using Fiverr, doing it well, and remaining successful during COVID-19:

Fiverr: What gigs or services do you use to build up your marketing agency?


I’d say I use Fiverr mostly to explore and experiment, which is a great use of the platform. I believe I’m coming up on 100 orders now. It’s a fun and relatively low-risk way to test out a new direction or to do something that helps my company internally. 

I appreciate that Fiverr is now tiered for highly trained professionals, with varying levels of experience and price points. I’m drawn to the sellers that have been around for a long time, have fantastic reviews, and run their service like a business. Expertise is worth paying for.

Fiverr: To what extent can you attribute your success to using our platform?


Fiverr is a conduit to like-minded entrepreneurs and creatives across geographic boundaries, which is a different mindset. Early on, Fiverr gave me one of my first opportunities to collaborate with others across the globe. 

Now, with my involvement in Fiverr community leadership, I’m face to face (virtually) with leaders in Nairobi, London, Toronto, and other regions all over the world. It pulls me out of my own vantage point and gets me thinking bigger in scope and ambition. I’d say the best is yet to come.

Fiverr: How did you become successful with your business by using Fiverr sellers?


By being very selective and taking my time, I curated a small group of Fiverr sellers who have knowledge and experience in one very specific area. These are professionals who work hard and stand behind the caliber of the results. 

For these select few, I would have been happy to connect with them via networking or other means. But having them on the Fiverr platform has been great because it simplifies the engagement down to one pre-set service or deliverable, and streamlines communication.

When working with a new Fiverr seller, I nearly always start with a test project, at my own expense. This allows me to gauge the quality and responsiveness of the seller in internal capacity. 

Only when trust is established, and expectations are met do I consider how else I might be able to work with the seller on a larger scale. Even when this happens, I consider what we receive from sellers to be a raw ingredient or one piece of a larger picture. It is a building block, not necessarily a finished recipe.

Fiverr: How are you managing your business with COVID-19 happening right now?


I do a lot of mentoring and speaking with business owners, even in normal times. In early March, back when there were rumblings, I reached out to a cluster of others and started game planning and strategizing. I think it helped me come to the realization faster that things aren’t just going to go back to how they used to. 

Even though it’s happening for a bad reason, change is good. Companies need to grow, innovate, and evolve even in the best of times. This is just expediting the process for companies deciding to embrace the idea of change. And it’s happening on a global scale, in a way the world has never seen before.

Fiverr: Is there anything that you had to change about your business since this all started?


I’m devoting the most time and attention to companies who can see past the present situation and are looking to the future. Those are the types of businesses that I admire and want to devote my expertise to. And of course, those who have pivoted or transitioned to do something for the greater good. They have my support and gratitude. Those standing still or cutting marketing altogether have some catching up to do. Hopefully, they will come around eventually, for their own sake and viability as a business.

Fiverr: How are you balancing working from home/working with kids/not working?


It’s been a challenge, ha. This week is only Spring Break for some of us and I miss my headspace, that’s for sure. This is an important time to make family a priority, and to support each other unconditionally, if and when it’s needed. I don’t begrudge anyone for adjusting meeting times and doing what they need to do for their loved ones. We’re all making it work in our own way.

Fiverr: What was the hardest decision you’ve made in the past few weeks?


To stay the course and not get overly consumed by the noise of it all. It’s a conscious decision to recommit to every single day, for me at least.

Fiverr: What tools/resources/websites/content have you found to be the most helpful/informative?


I’ve had the opportunity to chat one on one with Fiverr senior leadership across the globe, which was fun and engaging. I also found that there are resources in different geographic areas to help businesses navigate through the options available. I’ve been talking with some of these organizations, which has helped me pass along information to others.

Fiverr: When everything begins to settle, what is this first thing you’ll focus on?


Maybe not the first thing, but a coffee meeting in the California sunshine sounds amazing right now. Really though, it will be working with companies that have endured and persevered, and being a guide to chart the way forward. Working with them to make sense of their current position, prioritize, and draw momentum and attention again.

Fiverr: What advice would you like to share with other small business owners at this time?


Even in a period of great uncertainty, it’s incredibly important to act at the moment while also planning ahead. Marketing with substance and purpose has never been more relevant and vital. And the formal barriers between the company and client/customer have been lowered like never before. 

I suggest rethinking marketing strategies and messaging under this lens and putting everything under scrutiny. Don’t cut marketing, make it better. It will be important to be on top of our game when this is over, to be leaders, and to take ownership of our own future.

Marketing with Double Zebra

If you are looking for in-depth marketing expertise that screams creativity and ingenuity from first glance, Double Zebra is a marketing agency you should definitely consider. 

Check out the website here:

You can also follow them on Instagram: @doublezebra

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