Super Seller Danyal: Living the Fiverr Lifestyle Every Day

Danyal, known on Fiverr as design_line36, is earning his master’s degree in electrical engineering while working fulltime on Fiverr as a logo designer and WordPress developer. A true Fiverr fan, Danyal is also doing Fiverr training workshops in his local area in Pakistan. “I’m addicted to Fiverr,” he says. Well, the feeling is mutual, which is why we’re so very pleased to congratulate Danyal on becoming our latest Super Seller!

Danyal’s Fiverr Journey

My name is Danyal, but people usually call me by my nickname, Danny. I’m 22 years old and live in Mirpur Azad Kashmir, a small state of Pakistan. I heard about Fiverr from my cousin, who is a professional designer. I am good at logo design, so I was inspired to create a logo Gig®. I signed up and it took just a few days to get my first job. At first, I worked on Fiverr part-time, but after a while, I was so impressed with Fiverr and I had so many orders that I made Fiverr my fulltime job and began working hard, day and night. My Fiverr business has become so successful that I receive many job offers outside of Fiverr, but I refuse them all.

Now I work approximately 15 hours a day, and all my income comes from Fiverr. I have used this income to fund my studies. Thanks to Fiverr, I recently earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering and now I’m working on a master’s degree. I have also taken professional courses in graphic design. With my Fiverr income, I also bought my own car, pay for my house, support my family, and have more than I ever dreamed. In all, I have earned around $230,000 on Fiverr, and for the last couple of months, I’ve averaged around $20,000 per month!

Still, there are some challenges. Because I live in a small city, the internet connection is too slow, and sometimes it’s unavailable. I sometimes have electricity problems. Nevertheless, I always work hard and give my best to my buyers.

The Impact of Fiverr

Because of my success on Fiverr, I want to be an inspiration to others to use the platform. I have been arranging workshops here in my area so I can train others on how to use Fiverr. I also own a training center named “Steps,” where I conduct classes on Fiverr.

In short, Fiverr has changed my life from top to bottom! It has been the best experience of my life, and I can’t imagine my life without Fiverr.

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The post Super Seller Danyal: Living the Fiverr Lifestyle Every Day appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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