Re-Branding Your Business for the Holidays: Do’s & Dont’s

When it comes to the holiday season, it’s easy to stray from the non-traditional. We always recommend giving your brand a makeover for the holiday season, and we believe in getting creative with it, but there are some “do’s” that people miss out on too easily, and there are some things that are simply a “don’t”. Not sure what’s stylish and what’s tacky when it comes to holiday re-branding? No fear, we’re here to help!

The Holidays as a Time to Give Back

Don’t: Beg people to buy from you so that you can have a good holiday

We’ve seen posts from businesses trying to convince customers to purchase their products so business owners themselves can buy presents for their families, or go on vacation. This is a no-no! Customers should want to purchase a product because they are excited about it, not because persuaded by their begging.

Do: Promote your business as a way to give back.

85% of consumers have a more positive image of a company that contributes to a good cause. The holidays should be a time of generosity. Branding your business as a company that cares is a great way to do something good for your community and improve your image to your customers. There are many different ways your business could could participate in civic-minded projects during the holiday season; from donating some percentage of your profits, to hosting a toy or food drive, to donating services to charities, all can depend on your brand.

The Beauty of Diverse Holidays

Don’t: Be disrespectful of different cultures.

The season is full of many different holidays and you may want to honor them all! However, if you do this without the properly researching, you may risk offending someone. Avoid cultural stereotypes and check what symbols mean before you use them.

Do: Honor different holidays.

Everyone wants to feel included, but the holidays can sometimes make people feel isolated. Talk with people from different cultures and ask how you can respectfully include them in your holiday celebrations. Whether it’s incorporating pictures of items from different holidays in your new Facebook cover photo, or wishing a happy holiday in a different language when it makes sense, there are many tasteful ways to honor everybody!

Season’s Greetings

Don’t:Use your holiday greeting card as a sales pitch

Even though commercialism is a major part of the holiday season, people don’t want to feel like they are being marketed to all the time. Avoid use your greeting card for an advertisement. People want to feel the sentiment of the holiday season.

Do: Send a warm greeting and include an opportunity

Even though you don’t want to push people too hard in your holiday greeting, you do want to encourage them to buy from you. Send a holiday greeting to customers and include something that benefits them, like a discount offer in honor of the holidays or a free gift with purchase.

It’s All About the App

Don’t:Bombard your customer with push notifications

One “happy holidays” notification is okay. Ten notifications can be redundant and is a sure way to get your app deleted. Never annoy your customer. This is especially true during the holidays when there are more promotions and advertisements than ever.

Do: Encourage customers to use your app for their holiday prep

In addition to modest holiday greeting popups, give your customer some added value by suggesting how your app can help them during the season. If you have an eCommerce app, remind your customers that they can purchase gifts easily through your app. If your app has a unique function, frame it as a helpful way for your customers to use it for the holiday season.

Remember, rebranding for the holidays is all about making your customer feel positive towards your company and offering some relief for what can be a stressful time. Keep your rebranding upbeat and your customers will feel good about doing business with you!

The post Re-Branding Your Business for the Holidays: Do’s & Dont’s appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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