Increase Your Facebook Engagement with These 10 Tips

If you’re a small business owner, or even just a freelancer or young professional looking to promote yourself, social media can be hugely helpful in terms of earning you new business and connecting you with your customers.

Of all the social platforms out there, Facebook tends to be the most popular, making it one of the most effective platforms for generating engagement. Here are 10 tips for mastering the art of Facebook engagement.

1. Tag Relevant People and Brands

Tags are a great way to gain visibility on Facebook. So if you’re a freelancer who just attended a conference, be sure to tag the official conference page when you post about it. Not only will you friends see it, but chances are people following the conference’s page will see it as well.

2. Make Lists

In AdWeek, tech influencer Robert Scoble sings the praises of using the “close friends” and acquaintance” lists in Facebook. But you can create custom lists like “customers” and “partners” to share content directly to select groups of people.

3. Have a Sense of Humor

Just about every small business can reel in customers by with light, humorous content. Social Media Examiner says that small business should use humor—or at least a positive, upbeat tone—to boost engagement. After all, nobody likes a Negative Nancy.

4. Include Calls to Action

Another tip for small businesses from Social Media Examiner: Whether you’re asking people to visit your website or give feedback on a current event, asking your audience to take some action is a must when it comes to selling your business on Facebook.

5. Comment!

Robert Scoble also stresses the importance of commenting whenever possible. That goes not only for commented on other pages, but commenting on your own status updates, as well, especially when your audience is having a lively conversation. Don’t be afraid to join in!

6. Mix It Up

Another suggestion from Scoble: offer your audience some variety. No one likes that person who only posts pictures of their car on Facebook, or that person who only posts pictures of their kids. These things are fine, but be sure to offer people a variety of content. No one likes “more of the same” when visiting someone’s profile.

7. Make People Ask for Permission

Chances are there was a time when someone posted something to your wall—an annoying game request, an embarrassing picture, spam—that you were less than happy about. Scoble also suggests changing your settings so that all content posted to your wall must be approved by your first.

8. Get Visual

Text-only posts are fine, but offering your audience something pleasing to the eye—like a photo, video, or infographics—can draw people in and help you clearly communicate your message.

9. Teach Facebook

Scoble also points out that Facebook’s algorithm learns the kind of content you enjoy by noticing what you like, comment on, and share. By doing these things, you’re setting yourself up for a better Facebook experience.

10. Be Responsive

As Social Media Examiner notes, it’s crucial for small businesses to respond to questions, issues, and praise on their Facebook page. Even a few simple words like “Thank you!” Or “Sorry to hear you had problems! We’ll offer you a discount next time you come in!” can endear you to your customers.

Did you run a Facebook campaign that worked well? Share your tips with us in the comments below.

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