Gig Economy News: Optimizing Your Connections with Others

Sometimes as an entrepreneur, it can be easy to get stuck in the bubble of your own ideas and your own projects. The truth is that without maximizing your connections whether they are potential customers, business contacts, or mentors, it will be tough to succeed.

You need other people for inspiration, for building your network, and of course for simply growing your business. This week’s Gig Economy News is all about optimizing your connections with others.

Get Inspired

To succeed in your own way, you need to take bits and pieces of wisdom from as many people as possible. You should always be open to new perspectives, because you never know what you might connect with and what idea might help your business soar. That’s why we put together a list of inspiring podcasts to help you stay motivated even when you’re relaxing.

Get Into Your Customers’ Heads

Converting website visitors into paying customers requires a bit of psychology and a bit of detective work. To help you shorten the process of understanding the average web surfer’s mind and improve your chances of converting their visit to your site into a purchase, Inc has a few insights. So check out this article on how to turn browsers into customers.

Network Your Way to Success

Sometimes being a freelancer can feel a bit isolating. However, LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful tool for networking with people around the world, if you know how to use it. That’s why we wrote a blog post just to help you figure out how to harness LinkedIn’s potential for your freelancing business.

Keep Contacts Fresh

Once you make a great contact, it’s important to keep their information organized and stay connected. Customers and business contacts appreciate it when you remember who they are and your past conversations with them. So when you meet new people, don’t just toss their business card aside. All Business has a great piece about the best apps to help you manage your contacts even when you’re on the go.

What’s been an important connection that you’ve made with others in the course of building your business? Tell us in the comments!

The post Gig Economy News: Optimizing Your Connections with Others appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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