Gig Economy News: The Human Side of Business

Behind every enterprise, every start up and every endeavor is simply… a human being. Being an entrepreneur can sometimes make you feel like more of a robot than a person, but it’s our human capital that makes the Gig Economy so exciting. We are as diverse as we are capable of incredible things, but there’s also no doubt that being an entrepreneur can take its toll. This week’s Gig Economy is all about the more human side of the business.

Remember, You’re Only Human

You have immense potential, but you’re also bound to take a few missteps over the course of building your business. To keep you holding your head high as you learn from your mistakes, check out these 8 difficult experiences that every entrepreneur will go through, from Inc. You’ll see that every business stumbles but a good entrepreneur learns to roll with the punches.

Connect on a Personal Level

Communicating with your audience is a great way to show customers that there is a real person, who is passionate about what they do, behind your company’s success. One way to reach out to people and connect with a wide audience is through a podcast. Not sure where to even begin with starting your own podcast? That’s ok! We’ve got an article on 8 Steps to Making a Podcast.

Build Your Human Capital

So your company is ready to grow, congratulations! As we all know, it’s hard to be everything in the company from the CEO to the HR rep. Help is on the way though, with this list from Geektime of 5 HR tools for time-strapped startups who want to build their team. Growing your company is exciting, but making the right hire is somewhere where you don’t want to cut corners even if you’re short on time and extra hands. A little digital help in the hiring process can save you a lot of headaches in the future.

Helping Others is Good for the Soul

At Fiverr, we believe that integrating business with a greater vision for improving the world is important. In our broad and diverse community of entrepreneurs, people face all kinds of challenges both personal and professional. On the other hand, our community is a powerful force for good when we come together for a cause. With that in mind, take a look at our post about why we are supporting the Foundation for Epilepsy’s first annual Netathon on July 27th and how you can help.

How do you keep yourself grounded in the midst of your entrepreneurial activities? Tell us in the comments!

The post Gig Economy News: The Human Side of Business appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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