Buying gifts for Dad can be tough. In our experience, when asked what they’d like for Father’s Day, dads have a tendency to default to sweet but frustrating answers like, “to spend time with my wonderful children” — not helpful when you’re trying to pick out an awesome gift that’ll knock his white, knee-high Hanes socks off.
(Don’t worry – he bought a 12-pack.)
It’s a given that you’re going to spend time with him, but we don’t blame you for wanting to give him a gift, too — preferably something more creative than another set of golf clubs. Here are a few gift ideas for the Dad (or dads) in your life — and a few gifs to make this experience a little more fun for all of us.
Busy Dad
A thriving career, an active social life, and all the usual household responsibilities: Busy Dad’s got a million things on the go, and he could use a little help. No, not from you — we’re not cruel! Buy your busy old man a virtual assistant to send his emails and handle his data entry and let him take the day off and relax for once.
Fun Dad
Fun Dad’s the kind of guy who’s always got a crazy idea, a hilarious story, or a so-bad-it’s-good dad joke up his sleeve. No matter what kind of day you’re having, you can always count on him to make you crack a smile.
When you give Fun Dad a custom caricature for Father’s Day, he’ll probably have the portrait framed and hung next to the family photos so he can joke about it for years to come. “Hey, it looks just like me!,” is what he’ll say at every opportunity. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Sporty Dad
Whether he’s into golf, baseball, football, or polo, Sporty Dad lives for his game of choice. This Father’s Day is as good a time as any to thank him for taking you to your very first baseball game or showing you how to throw a football.
Of course, since he’s been into sports since before you were born, Sporty Dad’s already got a pile of team jerseys, a wall full of signed photos, and more golf clubs than you can shake a nine iron at. What he doesn’t have is a custom sports broadcast made just for him.
Stay at Home Dad
Like Busy Dad, Stay at Home Dad’s got a lot on his plate — but he’s also got the added stress of cooking, cleaning, and wrangling kids all day. The household wouldn’t run smoothly without him at the helm, and it’s time he knew it. Sing his praises (literally) with a custom song written just for him.
Any Dad
Seriously though, Dad isn’t lying when he says he just wants to spend time with you. Enjoying a few hours together and telling him how much you love and appreciate him is guaranteed to make any Dad’s day.
Have a Happy Father’s Day!
The post Gifs and Gifts for Dad appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.