6 Brands That Used Social Media to Boost Their Subscriber List

More than likely, you've heard the debate on whether it's more worthwhile to invest in email marketing, or social media marketing, to turn leads into customers.

Of course, ultimately, the most effective approach to marketing would be to integrate both social media and email marketing, so you can make the most of your email subscribers as well as social media followers.

With intense competition in the digital marketplace, it isn't enough to follow the email marketing tips and simply include social media links in the emails — on the other hand, it also isn't enough to create a newsletter CTA in your Instagram profile.

To get the most out of social media and email marketing, you'll want to fully integrate the two. Of course, that's easier said than done. Here, we're going to explore six brands that correctly integrated social media and email marketing to increase conversions for both.

1. Typo

Typo, an Australian ecommerce company, sent this attention-grabbing email, which promoted their 40% off sitewide sale for Christmas. Additionally, if a user clicked on their Facebook link, they'd see the same promotion. Ultimately, the brand harnessed the power of repetition to bring higher conversions.

2. McDonald's

A dedicated email that asks subscribers to follow the brand on social media goes a long way for enhancing subscriber engagement and garnering more social media followers.

For instance, take a look at this email by McDonald's, which invites social media followers with a catchy headline: "Sometimes, it's good to be a follower."

Ultimately, the brand's headline captures the recipient's attention, and the playful humor might encourage subscribers to take a look at McDonald's social channels, as well — especially since the email promises "fresh insider info", with readily available links to their social sites.

3. Innocent Drinks

Innocent Drinks, a natural, healthy drink brand, sent out this fun email, which informs the subscriber about their social media channels. You only have to follow the signs in the email, and you will be redirected to the respective social media channel. If you make it easy for email subscribers to find and follow your social channels, you're more likely to increase your following.

Additionally, Innocent Drinks included their social links in their welcome email to new subscribers — a good call, since it comes across as helpful, not pushy.

4. Home Depot

During Holiday Season 2019, I received an email from Home Depot that promoted 25% off on select electrical tools. Sure, it employs some impressive email marketing techniques, but it also integrates social media marketing to create a ripple effect.

For instance, when you click on the link to their Facebook page, I saw the same offer appear:

The email ad, as well as the Facebook post, redirected the reader to a landing page that displayed the same products.


Now, isn’t that a perfectly synced omnichannel marketing strategy?

5. Skillshare

Skillshare, curated courses ranging in topic from animation to writing, launched their new visual identity in the beginning of 2020. They sent a visually attractive email to their customers and prospects to announce the change — here’s a glimpse of the email.

When the users clicked through to the Facebook page, they could read the same information along with a link that took them to the latest blog explaining their new visual identity.

Ultimately, it's important you deliver your message to whichever platform(s) your audience prefers — in this case, SkillShare ensures their message is well-received whether their recipients prefer reading about company changes via email, or through Facebook.

6. Blurb

I stumbled across a Facebook post by Blurb that was endorsing their first sale of the year along with the discount coupon code:

Additionally, to make sure I didn't miss out on the sale, they sent me an email that promoted the same offer — plus, their Twitter page promoted the discount, as well:

Ultimately, their efforts to broadcast the discount through email and social proved worthwhile — after seeing the discount for a third time, I purchased a book.

Best of all, their consistency across platforms demonstrated brand credibility, since it showed me they're committed to consistently updating their social channels with relevant offers. As a result, they didn't just get a sale — they also got a new social follower.

Ultimately, integrating social media and email boosts subscriber interaction and prompts them to take the next action. Have you used these digital marketing channels to their maximum potential by taking an omnichannel approach? If not, now is the right time.

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