Gig Economy News This Week

This week’s Gig economy news has some good news about bank loans and many useful marketing tips, including how to tackle click v. visit discrepancies and write a professional social media profile.

1. Big bank loans to small businesses are on the rise.

Compared to June of last year, big banks approved a larger percentage of small business loans, a positive indicator of a growing economy. According to a Biz2Credit study, big banks approved 20% of loan applications, three percent more applications than they did in 2013.
Loans from smaller banks also increased over the same period of time: small banks approved some 51.4% of small business loan applications, up from 49.8% in June 2013.

2. Facebook’s new “buy” button for small and medium-sized companies.

On July 18, Facebook announced that it is testing a new “buy” button with a small number of American SMBs. Through the program, users will see a post about a product or service and instantly be able to buy it without leaving Facebook. The goal is to help drive sales directly through Page posts and News Feed ads. If Facebook can manage to get ads to convert into direct sales, it’ll significantly help Facebook’s bottom line. We’re curious to see how this program develops and will let you know if they widen the reach to more small businesses!

3. Handy tips to tackle discrepancies between visits and clicks.

If this has ever happened to you, then you know how annoying this is! Thankfully, this article at KISSmetrics has some valuable advice. Here are there 7 thoughts on this not-so-sticky subject (once you know what to do):

1. Identify the scope of the problem: Here, they provide questions that will help determine how large the scale of your problem is.
2. Make sure your landing pages and campaign ads are set up correctly.
3. Install Chrome’s “Tag Assistant for Chrome”. This will help ensure that your analytics tool is implemented correctly on your landing page, one of the most common sources of errors.
4. Better understand your publisher and analytics data. Check how long it takes to track data: there could be hours or minute gaps that are affecting results.
5. Accept that you may have to live with some data discrepancies. Yes, easier said than done.
6. Find a better comparison metric than visits.
7. Run your traffic through a shorten link service like This will provide your own clicks metric.

4. Tips to write an awesome social media profile.

Feel like your profiles are a bit dry? Or say too much? If so, these tips will help you spice things up, cut words down, and interest readers to learn more about you.

  • Say what you have done rather than who you are. Your accomplishments are more concrete than your qualities.
  • Choose keywords that will entice your audience.
  • Avoid buzzwords and instead, use authentic language.
  • Answer one simple question for your readers: “What’s in it for me?”
  • Be funny! And if you can’t, hire a standup comedian (or a funny friend) to make your profile stand out.
  • As your skills and job experience change, revise your profiles to reflect these developments.

What do you think makes a social media profile stand out? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

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