Nowhere else on the planet can you get Fiverr’s combination of variety of services to choose from, plus reviews to help with your decision, plus the ease of transacting business. Of course, some of that ease comes from sellers describing their Gigs very specifically so buyers know exactly what they are getting. But this means that sometimes you may not be able to find the exact Gig you need even though there might be plenty of sellers willing to do it. Maybe you’re looking for a video testimonial by someone in an unusual setting or dressed in a specific costume. Or perhaps you need photos taken at a specific location in a city in Europe.
If you find yourself in this situation, it’s time to use Request a Gig. With Request a Gig, you post your need to the Fiverr community, and talented sellers respond with offers. Here’s how to use Request a Gig:
1. Move your cursor over your username in the upper right hand corner of the Fiverr homepage. Under the My Orders dropdown menu, select “Request a Gig”.
2. Click the green REQUEST A GIG button. The Post a Request dialog box appears.
3. In the text box, describe the service you need. Be as specific as you can be within the 120-character limit. This will make it easier for sellers to respond with an accurate offer.
4. Use the POST IN drop-down list to select the appropriate category for the service. The subcategory drop-down list then appears. Select the appropriate subcategory.
5. Click the SUBMIT button. Your request will be “pending” until it is reviewed and approved by Fiverr. Once the request is approved, sellers will see it when they look for requested Gigs. They can then respond with offers.
6. To review the offers, return to this same page by hovering over your username and selecting Request a Gig. To the left of the Request a Gig button, you will see the number of OFFERS RECEIVED.
7. To sort your offers by date, rating, or experience, click the Sort Offers by drop-down list.
8. To get more information or accept a Gig offer, click “here” or Order Now. These links take you to the seller’s Gig page. If you don’t know the seller, it’s a good idea to review the seller’s information and read the seller’s reviews to make sure it’s a good fit with your needs.
The post How to Request a Gig appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.