99 Problems But a Logo Ain’t One

Starting a business can have its fair share of problems—but coming up with a logo shouldn’t be one of them.

A logo carries a lot of weight. After all, this is the thing that visually represents what you’re all about. It should be memorable, but not overbearing. Simple, but not dull. Think of the specific feeling you get when you see the Nike swoosh or Apple’s apple.

All logos should strive to carry that sense of confidence and artistry. On the flip side, we all know a bad or confusing logo when we see one (i.e., anything that uses Comic Sans). That’s exactly what we want to avoid.

Fiverr® is a great place to find someone to create a great logo for your business. Talented creatives flock to Fiverr because they’re making a living off what they do best. However, even with someone taking the heavy lifting off your plate, you need to be able to recognize what is and isn’t right for you and your business. If you’re looking for a logo for your small business, here are a few things to consider.

Think of Where It’ll Live

Sure, it’s good to think about what your logo will look painted on your big storefront window—but ideally your logo should be versatile enough also appear in many other places, including your business cards, stationary, website, email signature, and more.

Similarly, don’t make your logo too reliant on color. Yes, color should play some role, but there may be times when you need to make your logo black and white. Be prepared for that.

All this is to say, make sure you’re getting all the mileage you can out of your logo. You also don’t want to have to redesign a new logo eight months down the road when you realize the initial one wasn’t versatile enough.

Simple is Good; Perfect is Best

A logo’s goal is to say a lot of things while also remaining silent. Sounds like a riddle? It sort of is.

In essence, a logo is an impression. There’s an art to it (which is why you’re asking someone to come up with one for you) and the best advice is to follow your gut. Know when something is too much, or when it’s lacking something. Even if you don’t know what that something is, don’t ignore that feeling. You shouldn’t stop until you feel like your logo is the perfect one for you and your business.

Hire Someone You Trust

When looking on Fiverr (or anywhere) for someone to design a logo for your business, find someone with work you admire. If you see he or she has created several other logos that you really like, it’s probably a safe bet that they can make you happy as well. And be sure to tell them what you like in their work—simplicity, inventiveness, playfulness—so that they can apply that to your project.

Have Fun!

Coming up with a logo doesn’t have to be a problem. In fact, it should be fun. Enjoy the creative process of working with someone on coming up with a logo.

Have you bought a logo on Fiverr? Please share your experience with us in the comments below.

The post 99 Problems But a Logo Ain’t One appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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